• Movie+Romance=AWESOME

    Since Valentine’s Day was yesterday, and I’m a sucker for romance, I figured today’s movie stuff would be lovey-dovey.

    Here we go….

    I sat down at my desk and asked myself, “What are ten of my favorite love story movies.”

    And this is what I came up with (no particular order):

    What are some of your favorite lovey-dovey movies??

  • Romance Movies

    What’s your favorite romance movie?

    The week leading up to Valentine’s Day, I saw this question asked many times on various different blogs.

    I have such a hard time thinking of my favorites on the spot like that, but now that I’ve had time to mull it over, it’s kind of fun.

    Remembering those movies that made me go, “Ahh, that’s so sweet” made me smile. So, here are a few of my favorites–in no particular order.







    Yeah, I know you’re wondering, “Avatar, really?”

    Hey, it’s my list so I can pick what I want, right? 🙂 I was surprised, too, how much of a love story Avatar was.

    So, what are a few of your favorite romance movies?


    movies-1Ever watch a movie and see a mistake?

    Like a wire or something?

    Did you notice these few when watching these movies?

    Grease: In the diner, Vai turns off the lights with her elbow, despite missing the switch by six inches. Yeah, I totally remember this one while watching the movie. It cracked me up.

    Dirty Dancing: Johnny gets his pants dirty by sliding across the floor, yet they are clean in the next shot. I finally noticed this one after the tenth time I’d seen the movie I think.

    The Terminator: The police clerk looks up from his desk to see headlights coming at him. When we see the front of the car, the headlights are off. This one I didn’t notice so much, but what I did notice was the dummy they put in for the car to hit when it crashed into the desk. It’s sooo obvious. LOL.

    ***How ’bout you guys? Have any to share?***