• The Chase for a name. . .

    You guys are the best. A while ago (click here for the post) I asked for your help in choosing a name for my hero.

    I had a list of potential names, but didn’t know which one I should use. So, I put up a poll for a few days and you guys spoke up.

    The name chosen was: CHASE!



    Now, if I could only think of a title….

    Just kidding. That’ll come.

    I’m deep in the edits of this novel and one of my other ones (Jayden and Trinity’s story). So, once they’re both a little more tightened up, I’ll throw the “Back Cover Blurbs” up here on the blog and see what you all think of some title choices.

    If you’re a writer, I’m curious, how do you come up with character names?