• Friday Funnies:

    Found these funny pictures–They made me chuckle. Hope you enjoy. Happy Friday!


    Friday Funny baby and dog~~~

    Friday Funny Shark Ball Pit~~~

    Friday Funnies Cow~~~

    Guess Hell froze over, huh?
    Guess Hell froze over, huh?


    Anything making you laugh lately?



    Friday Funnies is a chance to share your wild and crazy stories. Whether it’s a personal story or just something that strikes you as funny. Let’s laugh and have some fun, but keep it clean, cuz I’m a watchin’ **wink wink**

    runningOk, I’ve got a good one. My sweet hubby offered himself up with one of his funny childhood stories.

    Charlie and his friends had to be creative as to how they entertained themselves growing up in a small town.

    One of the chosen activities was throwing stuff at cars…

    Yeah, I know what you’re thinking.

    Trust me, he’s grown out of it. **smile**

    Anyway, back to the funny story.

    Charlie and a few of his friends were at his house. Under cover of night, they were chucking things at cars as they drove by. If he or his friends saw a breaklight beam through the darkness, they’d bolt around the house to their walkout basement and hide inside.

    They’d had to bolt a few times.

    Well, unbeknownst to Charlie, someone had pulled the screen shut after they’d emerged from hiding the last time…..

    I bet you can tell where this is leading.

    Well, they’d hurled something at a car. It stopped. They ran. Charlie was the first to reach the door and bounced right off the screen, ripping it.

    Can you just picture it? ROTFL!

    I guess that’s what you get for goofing around, huh?


    Any funny stunts you guys pulled? Tell us about it in the comments section. Let’s laugh it up today, it’s Friday.
