• Violet Midnight Vampires

    HI! Emma here again.

    Well, we’re halfway through the week. You guys are a blast! No wonder Lynn doesn’t like to give up the reigns to her blog very often, you guys are a lot of fun.

    So, I’ve been demon hunting for over three years, and these buggers can be pretty nasty. But, over the years, I’ve learned a lot about them. I’ve seen the movies and read the books y’all have, but they’re pretty far off on some of their facts, you know? So I think I better set you all straight on a few things.

    But first, I’ve put together a few little questions based on what I’ve learned about the vamps I face on a daily basis. Let’s just see how well you do on these. Be sure to check back, the answers might surprise you.

    And I’d know, because this is my life . . . .

    1. Vampires burst into flames if they go out in the sun: True or False?

    2. If you’re bitten by a vampire you turn into one: True or False?

    3. Vampires can see well in the dark: True or False?

    4. A wooden stake to the heart will kill a vampire: True or False?


    Be sure to check back for the answers later today . . . But in the meantime, go ahead, give them a guess and see how many you get right.