idol-logoSo, have you heard of American Idol? If not, I would quickly ask if you lived under a rock, or a deserted island for the past eight years, or….Ok, you get my drift.

    I’ve been known to watch the show but not religiously like some. I can’t stand the auditions phase. I feel so horrible for those who can’t sing worth a lick. I mean, I can’t hold a tune to save my soul, so I would never ever try out. But what makes those who sing just as horribly as I do try out?

    Peer pressure?



    Only the good Lord knows what’s goin’ on in their heads. But hey, I give them props for trying something they feel passionate about, right?

    What’s my point to all this? Well, Idols, naturally. We all may have grown up with them, right? Maybe famous athletes, singers, etc…

    Idols, or heroes as some call them, are those people we look up to, desire to emulate, right? So often we are let down or disappointed by them, are we not?

    You know why, don’t you?

    Go on, give it a guess…..

    I’ll wait.





    Well, I have my theory…

    Wanna hear it?





    Because they are HUMAN.

    Flawed, just like us.


    So, why do we keep looking for more and more idols to emulate, only to be disappointed time after time?

    Is there anyone out there who won’t disppoint us?
