• This Writer’s Journey . . .


    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Sherry Soule

    I met Sherry through Crescent Moon Presswhen she accepted the challenge of editing Wasteland!

    Brave woman, I know. **grin**

    I’ll be honest, when I first saw the edits, I got a bit scared. I don’t think you’ll find a first-time author who wasn’t scared when first and second rounds of edits came in.

    They are intense.

    But Sherry held my hand through it all. Such patience with my million questions. Readily available if I needed help.

    And through it all, she was super encouraging.

    I’ve learned tons from her. You should check out her blog. She’s one smart cookie! I’m super glad I got to work with her.

    Even though our work on Wasteland has come to an end, I’m hoping to stay in touch with her for a long time to come!

  • This Writer’s Journey…

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Ann Miller

    I first met Ann when I joined CWOW. It was the local chapter of the national group American Christian Fiction Writers.

    We started swapping chapters for critique, and I immediately fell in love with her writing. So smooth and engaging. Her characters were flawed and broken, yet endearing. I learned so much from her.

    Every writer needs a cheerleader, and let me tell you, she’s a great encourager.

    One thing that really stands out about Ann is her faith in God and compassion for people. She’s an amazing person and I’m glad to have met her!

  • This Writer’s Journey…

    Now, I usually do a little bit about someone I’ve met along my journey to publication (CLICK HERE for those I’ve written about so far), but today, I want to do something a little different.

    I want to hear about one person you’ve met along your journey. Whether it’s a journey toward publication or someone who’s come along side you in the journey of life.

    We’re not meant to walk alone in this world. I’ve been blessed enough to have come in contact with many people who have made me who I am today.

    But now, it’s your turn to share. If the person you list in the comments has a blog or website, put in the link, I’d love to go meet him/her!


    Have a fantastic Friday, everyone!


  • This Writer’s Journey…

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Kat Harris

    Like many people I’ve met on this journey, I first encountered Kat through blogging! Yep. Stumbled across her blog by clicking on her name when I saw her comment on another blog. I had to go check hers outand I was hooked.

    I mean the name alone is intriguing: The Long Road to Heaven. Sweet isn’t it?

    She’s got a wonderful sense of humor, and she’s a fantastic writer.

    I got the pleasure of reading her novel in the early stages and boy, did I cry. Yep. Her gut-wrenching writing had me sobbing as I read the manuscript. I love that. Emotion and powerful writing that grips me around the heart-That’s my kind of reading.

    And get this, it wasn’t even a paranormal romance!

    I know! Shocking.

    But I tell ya, her story sure was intriguing. Loved it. It’ll be in print some day I’m sure!!

    Her fun and engaging style of writing taught me a lot! And for her friendship, I’m so very thankful!

    I’m so glad our paths crossed, Kat. I hope to meet you in person someday!!


    If you missed a previous week, CLICK HERE to catch up on those I’ve met along my journey to publication

  • Humbling Review . . .

    I’ll tell ya, there are few things more nerve wracking than awaiting reviews of a book you’ve spent tireless hours, weeks, months, or, in some cases years, writing. It’s part of the adventure, but still…

    I’ve shared pretty much all of the ups and downs of my journey toward publication here on the blog, and I’ve cherished your continued support. So, I’m honored to share with you this review of Wasteland I received from Rebecca Zanetti.

    WASTELAND is a fast paced, sexy, romantic tale with characters who instantly capture your attention…and your heart.The hero is honorable and darkly tormented, while the heroine is idealistic and strong.Lynn Rush has created a world of good and evil-where nothing is quite as it seems.I lost myself in the story and truly enjoyed every minute of it. ~~Rebecca Zanetti, author of FATED


    I’m so very humbled by her kind words. I know not everyone will like my novel or my writing for that matter. It’s impossible to please everyone. But to receive such kind words from someone I respect as a person and writer, I’m truly humbled.

    Thanks for celebrating this with me, everyone.

  • Ahh…..

    WOW! What a whirlwind couple of weeks. Recovering from surgery, getting back to road biking, and plowing through Wasteland edits.

    It’s an exciting time in the whole writing-to-publication process right now. Exciting, but challenging. I can’t lie.

    I have a fantastic editor at Crescent Moon Press, and her suggestions really helped strengthen the novel. I’ve finished the edits she suggested **happy dance** and now the story is “resting” before I give it one last look before sending it back to her.

    I can’t wait for the world to meet my four-hundred-year-old half-demon.Lots of time before the book hits the shelves, but still, we’re one step closer.

    While getting back onto my bike this past week, I got to see a SWEET sunrise. So, I had to post a sunrise picture. I just love them. This one I took!

    Hope you all get some time to relax this weekend and maybe even take in a sunrise or sunset.


    Sunrise at Lake Pleasant near my house