• Throwback Thursday…Brady style

    Throwing you back to the late 60s on this one. 1969 to be exact.

    Remember the Brady Bunch?

    …and Alice? (LOL)



    I remember the episode where Marsha’s nose got broken. That one cracked me up. Or when Jan gets glasses? I can sooo relate to that one (I totally have coke-bottle-thick glasses…got them in the 3rd grade)

    Did you watch the show? Have a favorite episode? Do tell . . .


  • Throwback Thursday–Family Ties

    Remember this show?[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iliLnQmaEOA]


    This was a great show. Justine Bateman was my fave. So clueless. Remember she she hooked up with that rebel, Nick?

    He cracked me up, too. They were made for each other, right?


    What was one of your fave shows while growing up?


  • Debate This . . . PC vs MAC

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkes Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about . . . .




    I think I’m safe to say computers have changed the world.

    From the very first one that pretty much filled a room, to the tiny, sleek smart phones that are almost a computer in themselves.

    But, the main question, are you a PC or MAC?


    Be sure to cast your vote. I’ll share the results later. . .

    [polldaddy poll=4389253]

  • Too funny . . .

    I saw this on the web a few weeks ago. I had to post it here. Have you seen this? It’s hysterical.



    I get asked all kinds of questions about writing when people find out I’m a writer.

    “Oh, are you published yet?”

    “I’ve always wanted to write. You know I’ve written . . . .”

    “How do you get started as a writer?”

    “You?” **eyes nearly burst from their sockets** “A writer?”

    “What’s paranormal romance?”

    “You’re not published yet?”

    Most people don’t know much about the process. For some writers publication happens very quickly, but for most, it takes a long time. Lots of ups and downs. Laughter and tears. Doubt and confidence.

    But isn’t it like that for anyone trying to make their dream a reality? I mostly think of Olympic or professional athletes. Look at the blood, sweat, and tears they shed.

    So I say:

    Keep at it! No matter what your dream!

  • Top Five Funnies. . .

    And number one is. . . . .


    You can’t be surprised…he’s freaking hilarious.

    And of course I had to pick a skit from the cheerleaders. LOL!



    So, he rocked it in Saturday Night Live, but his funniest movie, by far, is ELF! Here are a few clips to make you giggle. What better way to start out Friday than with a little giggle, right?

    The Burp….


    The Star. . .


    The Trailer:



    Son of a Nutcracker! Love that saying.

    So….what would have been your number one choice of funny people from SNL?


  • Top Five Funnies. . .

    We’re down to my second favorite Saturday Night Livefunny person. . . .There were a bunch of comedians who started out on that show, but we picked our favorite. . .

    Today is number two. . . Eddie Murphy

    All I have to say is BUCKWHEAT:


    ROTFLOL. He is hysterical.

    Eddie went on to do a lot of funny movies, but one of the funniest as far as I’m concerned is Coming to America. He played, like fifty characters on that movie. Okay, slightexaggeration…but still.

    Here’s the trailer:



    What’s your favorite Eddie Murphy movie or SNL character/skit?