• Debate This. . . Grease vs Grease 2

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDpOM0L9eQI&w=640&h=390]




    Oh my word is really all I can say about this one. Did you even know there was a Grease 2?LOL Yep, there was and oh my word. . . .

    Chime in…Was Michele Pfiefer up to par with Olivia Newton John as the next “Sandi?”

    [polldaddy poll=4669523]

  • Throwback Thursday–E.T. Style

    Did you know that one of the top grossing movies of the 80s was E.T.? I didn’t, but I’m not surprise. That movie was sweet.

    E.T. phone home will be one of those quotes that I’ll never forget.

    What was your favorite part?

    I remember when ET got drunk on accident. Elliott burping and stuff during school.

    Back then, that was freaking hilarious.

    Ahhh, the memories.

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taMnCjzKgd8&w=640&h=390]

  • Throwback Thursday–Flash Gordon

    Okay, yes. One of the more cheesy 80’s movies out there. . .

    But still. It’s FLASH GORDON!!

    I can’t even remember watching this movie in it’s entirety, but I remember the idea of it.

    I hear whisperings of a remake. Have you?

    Check out this movie trailer. . . .

    You just have to smile…..



    I really hope they do a remake soon, like they’re talking about on IMDB.

  • Movie Quotes


    Okay, break out your thinking caps for these. . . .the only hints I’ll give are the years….

    1. I’m not Josie Grossie anymore! ((1999))

    2. What? Think I got eyes in my butt? ((1988))

    3. You can’t be the father and the brother! That’s the kind of thing that messes kids up! ((1998))

    4. Great, or maybe we could go somewhere and just eat a bunch of caramels. ((1997))


    Leave your guesses in the comments. . . Think you can stump me? Leave your quote in the comments and I’ll give it a guess.



  • Throwback Thursday

    As kids, me and my friend, Lori, adored Doritos. I remember sitting on her front step munching on the nacho-cheesy-goodness….I think we ate the whole bag.

    Oh boy…I think my thighs just expanded a size thinking about that.

    The absolute best was dipping the chips in sour cream.

    Yep, expanded another size.

    But do you remember…in 1986…they released Cool Ranch Doritos?

    The horror.

    Surely they couldn’t be as good as Nacho Flavored Doritos.

    I was right.

    They weren’t.

    Sure, they were good, but not quite–wait–I’ll save that discussion for Debate This someday (wink.)

    Even after all these years, I can’t eat a Dorito without thinking of my childhood.


    What food-type-thing brings you back to the “good ‘ol days”
