• O is for Oingo-Boingo

    Ever see the movie Back to School?

    Remember this band? They were playing LIVE at the dorm party.

    This song/video just makes me laugh. The big hair. Eyeliner. And and not to mention Rodney Dangerfield’s bug eyes, huh? He’s sort of twitchy.


  • N is for Nickelback

    I found this group through my sweet hubby. The tone is so AWAITED, and my hubby hasn’t even read it yet! LOL

    Russell’s struggling with his purpose now that Beka has found her mate. . . He’d been by her side as her friend, brother, protector for so long.

    So, when I heard this song a few lines really stuck out to me for Russell.

    Let nothing stand in your way

    Each day’s a gift not a given right

    Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind

    Live each moment like it was your last

    Every second counts!!!

    Heck, those apply to us, don’t they? It’s a nice reminder to be living life instead of worrying about the past or what is to come.


    ***Preorder AWAITEDNOW! ClickHEREto enter All Romance E-Book to pre-order***

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  • M is for Manafest


    I found this song a couple of months ago. It really rocked my world with its intense message of HOPE.

    This video is powerful. I mean, wow, this guy was in a bad place, but the point is, you can get out of whatever you’re in. I love that message because it’s true. No matter what…even when it doesn’t feel like it, there is always HOPE.

    What’s a favorite song of yours that always gives you a sliver of HOPE when you hear it?

  • L is for Lady Antebellum. . .

    I listened to this song so much when it came out, I had to put it away for a while.

    But within the past few weeks, it landed BACK on my iPhone playlist.

    Crazy, I know? Gosh, I played this song so much I thought my husband was going to scratch his ears off when it came on.

    And I don’t even like country music that much!

    There’s just something about this tune. Smooth, intense, and of course, the HEA (Happily Ever After). I’m all about that…And after yesterday’s song, we ALL NEED that!


    What’s a song you recently put BACK on your playlist?

  • K is for Katy. . .

    Wow. This song rips my guts out every time I listen to it.


    Though it’s difficult to listen to/watch, it is a reminder about one thing. . . life is short. Don’t let the last words you say to someone you love be harsh.

    Makes ya think, doesn’t it?

    Katy is so talented. She’s got a fun, fresh, energetic voice. I was a little surprised at first when I saw this video. But I’m glad I stumbled upon it. Even if it does make me cry.

    What song has has made an impact on you?

  • J is for JOURNEY…

    I just love Journey. I mean the Steve Perry years of course.

    And to have it in the AWESOME Vision Quest movie….all the better.

    That movie is up there on my favorites. If I’d had HALF the determination and drive Louden Swain had…Jeez. Talk about driven. . .

    These kinds of movies totally inspire me. What movies inspire you?