• This Writer’s Journey . . .

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!

    Last Week’s was: Nicole Baart


    Colleen Coble:

    So, in May 2008, I joined ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) and they usually ask for an “introduction” email from their newbies.

    I obliged, clueless what to mention or write, so if I remember correctly, it was pretty short and boring.

    Right away, I got a reply from someone named Colleen Coble, sending me a warm welcome!

    I replied, clicking out some newbie questions. I can’t remember exactly what the questions were, I mean, it was over two years ago and I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning *wink*. . . But what I do remember–Colleen answered my questions.


    As in, just hit reply and it came to my inbox.

    I was like, “Hmmm, who is this nice person taking the time to help me out like this?”

    So, I googled her name and about fell on the floor.

    Colleen Coble. Author of, like, tons of books (go check her stuff out-seriously) took the time to answer questions from little ol’ me.

    I was touched by her kindness, and that of the entire ACFW group. Thanks for helping me take my next steps into the writing world, Colleen and ACFW!

    Stay tuned next week to hear about my first critique. . .. .It changed me forever.

  • This Writer’s Journey. . .

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Nicole Baart

    As you might know from reading this blog, or the various interviews I’ve done, my writing journey officially started in May of 2008 after the wonderful words of advice from my BFF, Michele, “Take the next step.”

    I had an 87,000-word novel and no clue what to do next. My sweet mother-in-law, Lynn, told me about Nicole Baart. She was an author who lived near my mother-in-law (Iowa) and was published by Tyndale.

    Lynn said, “Drop her an email. Ask her what you should do next.”

    So, I did. I figured, “What do I have to lose, right? I’m just taking the next step, right?”

    Nicole took the time out of her busy schedule to send me a personal email of encouragement! In that email, she referred me to a group called American Christian Fiction Writers.

    I joined in May, and found my first critique group, and really started writing. . .More on that to come, so stay tuned.

    Thank you, Nicole. You don’t know how you helped jump start my journey.

  • Happy Weekend

    What do you have planned?



    I hope to do a lot of relaxing and reading.


    Be sure to stop by next week for the next scary movie in our month-long countdown


    The beginning of a series spotlighting people I’ve met throughout my journey as a writer

    It’s going to be great fun!

  • Let’s Chat Friday . . .

    Hi, Guys. I’m getting interviewed over at Robin’s Nest today.

    Come check it out and feel free to leave a comment.

    I’ll be stopping by there all day long and will answer any other questions you might leave in the comments!

    CLICK HERE to get to Robin’s Nest.


    Happy Friday, everyone!


    Comments Off on Let’s Chat Friday . . .
  • Advice Time . . .

    This past weekend, I completed some questions for an interview that will air soon. Some of the questions were really hard for me to answer.

    A good hard, though.They got me thinking.

    I thought this one would be fun to ask you guys :

    What is the best advice ever given to you?

    To find out how I answered, you’ll have to wait for the interview. . . I’ll let you know when it’s getting published.

    But in the mean time, I’d love to hear some of the best advice you’ve ever received. Who knows, someone who reads this post today might benefit from the advice you’ve gotten.


  • Musical Monday

    On Saturday, one of our music guys at my church, Danny Larsh, sang a song called, Count Me In. Oh my word…Danny sang it so well I had to find out who was the artist.


    I have several of their songs already, even seen them in concert before…but I didn’t know of this song.

    So, as you can guess, I went right to iTunes and got it.

    Hope you like it as well:


    Count Me In, by Leeland



    Have a GREAT Monday, everyone!!