• Not Alone…

    Do you ever feel like you’re all alone?

    That no one understands or has experienced what you are going through?

    I can’t even BEGIN to understand what my mother and father-in-law are experiencing right now as they deal with her cancer.

    Last Friday, she received the news that her cancer has spread/worsened beyond treatment. There isn’t an option of chemo any longer.

    And yes, that was the day my books arrived (see yesterday’s post). So, it was a bitter-sweet day. I was glad to hand her the book so she could read the dedication and see just a tiny sliver of light on that dark day.

    Then yesterday, while I was at work, I heard this song by RED–> Not Alone.

    And I cried.

    Isn’t it interesting how you hear something right when you need to.

    Here are the lyrics that really hit home:

    I am with you

    I will carry you through it all

    I won’t leave you

    I will catch you when you feel like letting go.

    ‘Cause you’re not…

    You’re not alone!



    Have a great day, everyone. And know this, you are NOT alone!

  • Happy Anniversary

    We didn't see each other before the service, so pictures were taken after. . .

    ***Here is a repost of one of my favorites from the last Week of Love***

    When it came to choosing a person to do the scripture readings at our wedding, I didn’t hesitate–Lynn & RG Boeyink. That’s Charlie’s Mom and Dad.

    First, they’re awesome role models (married 43 years now!) Second, their faith continually astounds me. Third–well, there is no third, I just KNEW they were the people to do it.

    But when Lynn and RG made their way to the podium, I got a little nervous because I saw Lynn carrying a piece of paper.

    It was then that I knew she’d written something down.

    It was then that I knew, I would need Kleenx–lots of them.

    She just has a way with words . . . So, here is what she read.

    Not an eye was dry in the church.

    Enjoy, and be sure to stop by tomorrow, because my sweet hubby is breaking down his TOP TEN most favorite love songs. And he knows how to pick them, let me tell you.


    When was it Love?

    By Lynn Boeyink

    I wore my mom's wedding dress. My diamond is Charlie's mom's engagement diamond.

    Little did you two know that on the campus in Marshall, Minnesota, you would meet, eventually fall in love with, and today marry each other. As the months and years passed at Southwest State and the friendships came and went, you established yourselves there, chose your fields of study, worked and played, and the awareness of one another became more real.

    But when what is love?

    Was it a glimmer of in your smiles that set the world in fire or was it in the eyes that sparkle and light up a room?

    Perhaps there was something unique in that friendly manner and charm that seemed to be so natural. Or was it that confident style that told everyone you met that you could conquer any task or problem that came your way?

    Was it a sense of love on those first few dates when you were convinced that this is one very special person? Or, was it when the realization that your life goals and commitment to hard work were similar or when you realized that your enjoyment of the outdoors and sports were compatible?

    This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my dad on my wedding day

    Perhaps it was love when you learned of one another’s faith in Jesus Christ and that you both had a desire to be a part of the world around you but not to live by worldly standards. Maybe it grew to be real love as your time together became more and more cherished and your time apart more uncomfortable.

    It must have been true love when you looked into one another’s eyes and finally knew deep in your hearts that you wanted to be together forever.

    But you do know, don’t you, that it really was love long before you ever met, before your first date, even before you left home to venture out on your own to make your way in the world. Before you did any of these things—it was love!

    It was love because God says in his word, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.” and He says, ‘I know the plans I have for you…plants to give you home and a future.”

    So you see, it was love for you when you committed to each other, but God loved you long before that, His love is eternal, and his plans for you stand firm forever.

    It was love for you before you were ever born, because God said so. He planned it that way. May you grow in this love for each other with time knowing always that your union is part of God’s divine plan for your lives.

    You may kiss the bride. Bonded for life now and happy to be.


    So, what’s your love story?

  • Inspiration

    I usually do a “This Writer’s Journey” post here, but I decided to take a break from that today.

    No profound reason or anything, just…because.

    Instead, I wanted to share a bit of inspiration with you. We all have people in our lives who inspire us, and sometimes they do something that just makes you sit back and say, “Holy cow, I’m super lucky.”

    One day I sat at my laptop and opened up the cover to start up some writing. And this is what I found:


    That’s from my sweet hubby. Sometimes we just need a little pick-me-up, don’t we?

    What’s something inspiring that’s happened to you this week? You might have just the story someone else needs to see today!

  • This Writer’s Journey…

    Now, I usually do a little bit about someone I’ve met along my journey to publication (CLICK HERE for those I’ve written about so far), but today, I want to do something a little different.

    I want to hear about one person you’ve met along your journey. Whether it’s a journey toward publication or someone who’s come along side you in the journey of life.

    We’re not meant to walk alone in this world. I’ve been blessed enough to have come in contact with many people who have made me who I am today.

    But now, it’s your turn to share. If the person you list in the comments has a blog or website, put in the link, I’d love to go meet him/her!


    Have a fantastic Friday, everyone!


  • Inspiration

    I have quite a few things that inspire me–and not just inspiring me to write either. Sure, I have a lot of those, and I mention them weekly in my This Writer’s Journey segments.

    But, today, I’m mentioning someone who inspires me on a whole different level. Someone who inspires me to be a better person. A better wife. A better athlete. And yes, even a better writer.

    My husband, Charlie.

    Here are a couple pictures of a triathlon he did recently.

    He works so hard at his sport. Without fail, he trains daily. He watches what he eats–and boy do I wish I had the dedication he does. The way that man can turn away chocolate when it’s readily available is unnatural!

    I joke, but truly, he inspires me. He shows me by example what it means to be dedicated to something. To work hard for it. Earn it. Yet, he’s quick to smile and give God the credit for any success he has. He’s right, too. God has truly blessed him with a strong mind, heart and soul.

    And a triathlete training for the full Ironman needs that. To make it in a 2-mile swim, 110+ mile bike ride, and 26-mile run—YIKES!

    So, I thank you, Charlie, for being such a good example to me and those around you. I’m blessed to call you husband.


    Who inspires you?


  • Too funny . . .

    I saw this on the web a few weeks ago. I had to post it here. Have you seen this? It’s hysterical.



    I get asked all kinds of questions about writing when people find out I’m a writer.

    “Oh, are you published yet?”

    “I’ve always wanted to write. You know I’ve written . . . .”

    “How do you get started as a writer?”

    “You?” **eyes nearly burst from their sockets** “A writer?”

    “What’s paranormal romance?”

    “You’re not published yet?”

    Most people don’t know much about the process. For some writers publication happens very quickly, but for most, it takes a long time. Lots of ups and downs. Laughter and tears. Doubt and confidence.

    But isn’t it like that for anyone trying to make their dream a reality? I mostly think of Olympic or professional athletes. Look at the blood, sweat, and tears they shed.

    So I say:

    Keep at it! No matter what your dream!