• Movie Quotes . . .

    Going with the random movie quotes this week. . .


    1. You’re cuter than I thought. I can see why she likes you.

    2. Lorraine, my density has bought me to you.

    3. Death does not wait for you to be ready! Death is not considerate, or fair! And make no mistake: here, you face Death.

    4. Chopper! Sic’em, boy!


    Leave your guess in the comments.

    Think you stump us? Leave a quote in the comments and we’ll give it a try.


  • First Class…..

    Anyone who knows me knows I love action movies. Up near the top of my “like” list is I Am Number Four, SALT, All of the Terminator movies, X-Men and so on.

    I even love the classic early Arnold movies like Commando and Predator. Conan…..

    I was a little skeptical when I saw the teaser for X-Men: First Class…But then I saw the full trailer.

    Yep, I might have to venture into the movie theatre for that one.

    Check this trailer out:




    I might have to convince my buddy, KM, to review this one on our monthly Cinema Sound Off post…

    How ’bout you…..any summer movies tickling your interest?

  • Throwback Thursday… Yippee-ki-yay

    Throwing you back to 1988 for this Throwback Thursday…

    Die Hard


    Okay, I’m a fan of action movies. It’s no secret. And Bruce Willis action movies are high up there on my favorite list. He’s got a wide range of movies out there, doesn’t he?

    But Die Hard has to be one of my favorites.



    I even liked the fourth one.



    I love the “You just killed a helicopter with a car” -“I was out of bullets” part. That was freaking awesome.

    Now, the Die Hard #2 and #3 weren’t high on my “like” list, but still….

    Bruce has aged well with these movies.

    IMDB shows there might be another one? Die Hard 5. Has anyone heard about that?

  • Movie Quotes…

    1. Just be the ball, be the ball, be the ball. You’re not being the ball Danny.

    2. We’ll undo the damage you’ve done and give the Earth a chance to begin again.

    3. Well, why do you get to punch him and I don’t?

    4. I thought you’d be bigger.


    Leave your guesses in the comments. If you think you can stump us, leave a quote in the comments and we’ll give it shot.


  • Movie Quotes–superhero style

    So, I went to see Thor (see yesterday’s post for the review)–I figured I’d try the superhero theme for movie quotes today.

    That’s all the hint you’re going to get.


    1. What I do now, I do for the sake of the people of Earth. But there is one man on this planet who will NEVER kneel before you.

    2. Never rub another man’s rhubarb.

    3. We’re going to have to watch that temper of yours.

    4. I can handle this ship. I can even handle Mr. Blonde Ambition. But I don’t know if I should be flying or doing Swan Lake in these suits.


    Leave your guesses in the comments. You got a quote to share? Put it in the comments, we’ll take a guess.


  • Movie Quotes…

    Since capturing the #1 enemy (who I will not give the honor of naming here, but you know who I mean) I wanted to do quotes from military movies today!! Now, these movies may not have military or war as the sole focus, but in some way they are connected to something military.

    Is that vague enough for ya? *grin*

    Anyway, good luck. Leave your guesses in the comments. If you want to try and stump me with a quote, leave one in the comments and I’ll take a stab at it. 🙂

    1. When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to ya.

    2. You don’t need a patch on your arm to have honor.

    3. What I mean by that, sir, is if you was to put me and this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile from Adolf Hitler… with a clean line of sight… Pack your bags, fellas. War’s over. Amen.

    4. No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb.
