• The Weekend

    My TBR list (To Be Read) is reaching astronomical proportions. Especially with the bunch of books I received last weekend as a prize to a contest.

    There are so many good books out there to read, it’s difficult keeping up, isn’t it?

    What’s next on your list to read?

  • This Writer’s Journey . . .


    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Rebecca Zanetti

    I met Rebecca in the Mud Puddle. That’s the name of the critique group offered through the Fantasy, Futuristic, & Paranormalchapter of Romance Writers of America. I found that chapter by placing in a contest they offered (On the Far Side) with my Frostbite manuscript.

    I tell you, it led to more than I could have ever imagined. Sure, it was great placing in that contest, but the long-lasting effects were ten-fold. I landed my agent after having great critiques of my novels in the Mud Puddle group. Rebecca was one of those wonderful critique partners who helped me learn so much.

    She took the time to read some of my postings and gave honest, helpful, and encouraging feedback. She’s a talented writer, kind person, and I’m proud to know her.

    I’m so excited for her because her debut novel is releasing next week! Just CLICK HERE for details. It’s a great book.

    To see previous weeks: CLICK HERE

  • Movie Quotes . . .


    Okay, give these your best shot. . .


    1. He does dress better than I do, what would I bring to the relationship?

    2. You poor, sad, multimillionaire. I feel so sorry for you.

    3. This dress exacerbates the genetic betrayal that is my legacy.

    4. You have to promise you won’t fall in love with me.


    Think you can stump me? Leave your quote in the comments and I’ll take a crack at it.

    Check back later for the answers to these.


  • Debate This . . . Cyndi Lauper vs Lady Gaga

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Okay, I broke out the big ones for this post.

    Cyndi Vs Gaga

    Both talented ladies, no doubt.

    They’ve been compared before, and I’ve even heard a rumor that Lauper impacted Lady Gaga’s music.

    I can totally see it.



    what do you think?

    Debate This. . .

    [polldaddy poll=4546900]

  • And I’m off…

    I’m up in beautiful Sedona, AZ today, running a half marathon. What’s unique about this particular 13.1 miles–HILLS.


    Although Sedona has fantastic views, beautiful red rock….it also has massive hills.

    But that’s the challenge, right?

    I ran this course last year in just over two hours. I’m hoping for just under two hours this time…

    I might need a little help from the road runner, huh? *grin*


    Have a great weekend, everyone!


  • This Writer’s Journey

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone, in fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Lori Lundquist

    Dry Ground

    It’s pretty interesting how Lori and I crossed paths. Total God thing, you know? I get this random email asking about writing. Somehow, she tracked me down when she moved to Arizona. She’d decided to take the next step in writing and sought out some fellow writers.

    I happened to respond and since then, I count her as a very close friend. Both in relation to writing and non-writing!

    Early in our friendship, we embarked on a getaway out to California to attend a small writer’s conference. The four-hour journey allowed tons of time to get to know one another.

    Lori’s got a fantastic story, but one thing that stood out to me during that time is her ability to see into things. What I mean is, she can take a concept, movie, song…whatever…and find a deeper meaning behind it.

    It’s freakishly amazing. You should head over to Dry Ground. That’s her blog. Click on the LESSONS I LEARNED WHILE READING A VAMPIRE SAGA on the right column and you’ll see what I mean.


    Though she’s moved away from Arizona, we still stay in close, For that I’m grateful.

    I can only wait until the day we meet again. Thanks, Lori, for stepping along side me during this crazy, awesome, scary, fun road to publication.
