• Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…

    Whoa…check this out:



    Okay, that’s going to be good…..

    How could it not, right? Chris and Charlize are in the movie. Sure, Charlize is sporting an accent (grrr…) but she’ll pull it off. I just know it. And not to mention the Twilight phenom, Kristen Stewart….I’m not convinced she’ll be awesome, but I can hope.

    Snow White and the Huntsman

  • A Weekend of Fun and Remembering….

    This weekend has been coming for over ten months.

    Ten months of training.

    Endlessly, tirelessly, and furiously training.

    For what? you might ask?

    A 2.4-mile swim

    A 112-mile bike ride

    A 26.2-mile run


    Yes. This is IRONMAN!

    My sweet hubby has been training for this for nearly a year. Throughout all that training, he worked through the diagnosis of his mom’s cancer, two of her surgeries, my surgery for an ovarian cyst (no cancer, thankfully), and ultimately his mother’s death.

    His mom, Lynn, was supposed to be here for this event. To cross the finish line with him as a cancer survivor/fighter, but the dang disease took her October 24th, 2011.

    So, he runs this race in memory of her.

    His Dad is coming in Lynn’s place so this race, although an accomplishment to complete the training in itself, holds special meaning to us all.

    I hope you will join in and cheer my sweet hubby on.

    CLICK HERE for the link to the Ironman Site. The race is todaySUNDAY the 20th. It starts at 7am (AZ time.) My hubby, CHARLIE, is bib number 1580. You can even track his progress on that site. Super cool!!

    So, send up your thoughts and prayers that he is safe, healthy, and can finish! I’ll be down there the entire day so if you’re in the area, keep an eye out for me. I’ll be the one frantically cheering on my sweet hubby! Come by and say hi!

    Have a super weekend

  • Four Word Interview–Luke Romyn


    Hey, everyone, Emma here. Now, I face supernatural beings all the time considering the title Vamp Hunter was thrown at me three years ago…but this dude, Vain…he’s close to being as scary as David (Lynn’s character from Wasteland.) Lukemust have done some major bribing to get him to do this four-word interview.

    But I’m glad he did.

    Check this out, I’m so going to read this book so I can see how this Vain guy turns out.


    Emma Martin: Favorite weapon for battle…

    Vain: Knife in the shadows.


    EM: Favorite time of day…

    Vain: When darkness reigns supreme.


    EM: Favorite food to eat…

    Vain: Heart of my enemy.


    EM: If granted one wish…

    Vain: Ignore the conscience within.


    Whoa. So now I totally want to recruit him to come help me clean up this campus. Either him or Luke. I mean, you did see the size of Luke’s biceps in that home page picture, right?


    Okay, everyone. Your turn.

    What would be your FOUR WORD answer to the “if granted one wish…” question?


  • Are you ready for the chaos?

    Breaking Dawn releases tomorrow.

    Are you ready for the chaos?

    Are you ready for the Team Jacob and Team Edward madness?

    I must admit, I AM. I know, you’re shaking your head right now. But if you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you already know I’m kind of a dork, so that’s okay.

    I’ve read the books. I love them. The story is awesome. The movies have been pretty good.

    But I’m not crazy enough to go to a midnight showing or anything. **LOL** I’ll wait until things cool down a bit (if that’s possible the hype is so huge on this) then check it out with my BFFs. 🙂




    What movie are you anxious to see?

  • Movie Quotes…Vampire Style

    Okay, so you all know what movie is coming out soon, right? (CLICK HERE if you don’t) So…I figured we’d do a little Vampire Edition of Movie Quotes.


    1. Does the word “duh” mean anything to you?

    2. How did you manage to slip through the 50’s in red velvet?

    3. Your body’s dying. Pay no attention, It happens to us all.

    4. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.


    What are your guesses? Have any good vampire movie quotes to share?
