• THE LAKE–Blog Host Caleb Aspros

    Hello there. It’s Caleb again. Hopefully my choice of music yesterday did not scare you away. I told Lynn that having me host her blog might be a mistake. ☺

    On Sunday, Lynn took me along with her and her husband when they went out to Lake Pleasant for Charlie to swim in the lake. I was surprised, nonetheless, to see a large lake in the middle of the desert.

    While Charlie swam, Lynn had some time to work on Guardian. I’m constantly surprised by all the changes she makes to my story. Most are good and help move it along, but some — I just don’t understand how she came up with the creative twists she puts on it to make my life sound so interesting.

    “It’s a God thing,” Lynn replied when I asked her. “Only God could have given these ideas a normal, ordinary chick like me. There’s just no other explanation.”

    I found what she said, along with the beauty of God’s creations at the lake, encouraging. It’s like she’s just given it up to God and is waiting to see what He’s got in store for her and our book, if anything.

    Enjoy some of the pictures I took using Lynn’s new camera. Lake Pleasant reminded me of my sweet Olivia’s lake house up in Northern Minnesota–well, minus the cactus.


    So, tell me, what inspires you?


    Lake PleasantLake P CactusLake P more Cactus


    When’s the last time you escaped the chaos of day-to-day life? Last weekend? Last month? Can’t remember?

    YIKES, is all I can say if you have chosen the last one (Can’t Remember!).

    Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows my husband and I are known to hop on the bikes for some mileage pretty much each weekend. If you follow my Twitter or FaceBook status, you’ll often see, “Off for a ride.”

    This past weekend, we shook it up a bit by throwing in a mountain bike ride! Yep, we still did the road biking on Sunday, but Saturday we stole up into a nearby mountain and pounded out a few miles on some single tracks.


    This is the view of Phoenix from the side of a mountain.

    Yep, we’re still in the city…But within the chaos of the traffic,

    We found this little getaway.

    charlie-and-sheri3This is me and my sweet hubby.

    We’d just made a huge climb up the side of a mountain.


    sheri-on-the-mountain1Had to take my “Rocky” picture at the top. It was such a hard climb, I had to shed a layer and get a picture. I think the temperature had climbed fifty degrees (Can we say exaggerate?) by the time we were done.

    So, after a couple Ciff Bars and some Gatorade, we made our way back down the mountain.

    Such a great escape, and who better to spend the time with than my sweet hubby, Charlie.


    Tell me about your last escape, I’d love to hear.



    Happy Saturday, everyone.

    I hope you take some time to check out a sweet sunset this weekend.

    Have a safe one.

    Another Arizona sunset from our front yard.
    Another Arizona sunset from our front yard.