• The Storm

    Flooding in our backyard after only 20-30 minutes of rain. It came down in sheets.

    It’s been a little rainy and stormy here in the desert lately, which got me thinking.

    And yes, I’m known to have a deep thought once in a while for all those people I imagine saying, “Uh-oh, watch out. . .Lynn’s thinking again. ”

    Really, I think a lot. Probably because I always have my ‘writer’s cap’ on, searching for stories, unique characters, or random things for blog posts.

    Our bone-dry pond overflowed within 20 minutes the rain came down so hard

    Mostly I’m just watching things, processing them in my head for the most part. Sometimes jotting things down in a little notebook, like if I hear a phrase or see something that’s interesting to me.

    But the storms we’ve been having, which have left my yard soggy and my pond overflowing in a matter of minutes, got me thinking about how stormy life can get.

    This video I took with my camera is telling as well.


    After the storm beauty

    The rain is pouring and wind is howling. Sure made a mess of things around the house and the neighborhood. I know other parts of the country have seen much worse and have suffered much more than I, but what clenched the deep thought for me were the aftereffects.

    The evening sun sliced through the thick, dreary clouds. Its rays bounced off the moisture and gave a beautiful rainbow.

    It was a reminder to me that if we can get through the rough patches, the end will be worth it.

    I’m not free from struggles, and I’ll never claim to be, but the storms were a nice reminder to me that if I can get through them, everything will work out somehow.

    Some call it faith in God, fate, destiny, or whatever, but I choose to call it faith in God and his plan for me. The end might not be the pretty rainbow, or exactly what I want, but I’ve never been told everything would work out smoothly or be as pretty as a rainbow, either. I’ve just been guaranteed I won’t be alone in whatever I face.

    So, I’ll wade through whatever wind and soaking rain is thrown my way and see what kind of rainbow I find at the end.

  • The Mission

    I’ve been having a blast in Tucson. My folks took me to tour the Mission San Xavier Del Bac on Saturday.

    Ever hear of it?

    It’s so beautiful. And it’s still active! Yep. This place was built in 1783 and completed in 1797.


    View from parking lot

    Part of it has been restored, but the other half didn’t make it before budget cuts. So half (on the left) is bright white, the other half is still a bit worn.

    Me and Mom

    Behind us was a hill that had a path around it. No way to get up to the cross but we had to venture closer to check it out.

    The cross at the top of the hill

    The bright cross sure looks like a beacon. It was just beautiful.


    It was a great tour of the area, learning more about the mission. I’m so not a history buff, but I really enjoyed learning a bit more about this place. I was floored it had been constructed in the 1700s.

    Who knows, it might end up in one of my books . . .

  • Friday Funnies

    I’m not someone who ever gets lucky enough to find funny signs, or misspelled words in ads and stuff.

    You know, like this:

    HELL frozen over-

    Yeah, I mean, someone probably just happened to drive by and notice the ice hanging from the sign and think, “OH, Hell has frozen over.” I mean, that’s funny, right?


    Well, it FINALLY happened to me.

    So, I was in Tucson this past weekend visiting my mom, and she took us out to eat at the Cow Palace. THAT name, in itself, is funny, but what we found printed on the bill was even funnier:

  • Running the Race

    Charlie, me, and Dad at the start

    As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I showed up in Sedona on Friday night and surprised my dad by announcing I was running the half marathon the next day.

    I’ll never forget that memory as long as I live. The look of utter surprise was priceless.

    Dad, me, and Charlie at mile 1.5

    Dad’s been running marathons since the early 80s. I, as a kid, would color little signs and post them in our car window as we travelled around to his races.

    No wonder I have the exercise bug, huh?


    Anyway, I heard this might be his last, or one of his last marathons, so I wanted to surprise him by running part of it with him.

    Me around mile 8

    So, I trained for my second ever half marathon.


    Now, after my first, I pretty much swore them off because–well–they hurt!

    But, I just had to go do this one. My dad and beautiful Sedona were worth it.

    Me and Charlie at the finish

    And yeah. This one hurt too. But I’d never be sorry for the fun memory I got to make with my hubby and my dad–two of the most important men in my life.

    So, Dad, thank you. You’ve taught me what it means to set a goal and work hard for it. I’ve been able to apply that to all areas of my life, not just exercise.

    And Charlie, my sweet hubby who ran most of the race with me on Saturday, thank you for your constant and unconditional support.

    Me and Dad at the finish of his race


    I was out biking this past weekend (I know, surprise surprise, right?) Well, I came across something that got me thinking.

    Flag blowing“A flag?” you ask?

    I tried to get the picture during the gust of wind

    so you could see how strong the wind was.

    When I saw that think flapping in the wind, I got to thinking, “Holy crap, I have to ride straight into that – – oh man, that’s gonna suck.”

    Pedaling so hard, but moving so slow, getting nowhere . . .

    I’d had mouth surgery that was pretty uncomfortable for almost two weeks, then, my Grams passed away.

    So, like the stiff wind in my face, I felt like I was working so hard and getting nowhere. Couldn’t get happy.

    I rarely feel that way. Ask anyone close to me. I’m never down in the dumps. But, I had been the past few weeks.

    Then, God reminded me by showing me this flag. Yes, sometimes you’ll have to ride into the wind, working hard, but seeming to get nowhere. But, you’ll turn a corner and the wind will suddenly be at your back, pushing you forward, helping you coast ahead.

    So, here’s to the wind at your back. I feel it behind me now, ready to have a great week!


    Have a fantastic day, everyone.


    This was another picture on a bike ride...rising sun.
    This was another picture on a bike ride...rising sun.