• Debate This…Michael Jackson vs Prince

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Boy, this is a tough one. I can’t believe it’s been two years since Michael’s passing. He was such a talented man.

    Now, I mostly remember Prince from Purple Rain. Probably because I was a junior higher and won tickets for the movie, but my folks wouldn’t let me go!

    Yeah, now, umpteen years later, I can see their logic. But back then. . . **LOL**

    Anyway, what’s your take on Michael vs Prince?

    Debate This. . . .


    [polldaddy poll=5119239]

  • Debate This… V vs V

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    I remember V when it came out in 1984. Mostly because of Marc Singer. He was awesome in that show. Now, in 2010, they came out with a new one…Can’t go wrong with Scott Wolf, right?

    But the question is….which one is better?

    Debate this…..





    [polldaddy poll=5100838]

  • Debate This…ET vs ALF

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    For me, this is an easy one. E.T. all the way. ALF freaked me out. Creepy little bugger. Yet, you have to give the creator points for creativity. But still….

    Anyway…Debate this:

    [polldaddy poll=5074260]

  • Debate This . . . Dark Chocolate vs Milk Chocolate

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    So, I hear dark chocolate is “healthy” for ya. . . I figure that’s a great reason to eat it, right?

    Ah, heck, I think any time is a great time to each chocolate.

    But milk chocolate or dark chocolate. . . It’s a tough decision.

    Debate this. . .


    [polldaddy poll=5051263]


  • Debate This…KITT vs General Lee

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    KITT vs General LEE


    You know I had to post the theme songs…..They’re classic.





    Okay, here’s some trivia for you…What did KITT stand for??

    So, which car did you like the best??

    Debate this . . .

    [polldaddy poll=5028915]


  • Debate This…Spacey vs Hackman

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Spacey VS Hackman

    Now, I’ve had the debate about which superman is better (Christopher Reeve vs Brandon Routh,) but we can’t forget the villain, right?

    So…. who’s the better Lex Luthor??? It’s a tough one. . . .

    Debate this…


    [polldaddy poll=5000068]
