• Debate This. . . Dallas vs Dynasty

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Dallas vs Dynasty


    Now I never watched either of them very closey, but holy cow, I still remember them going head-to-head.

    Who shot JR Ewing….

    How Heather Locklear swooped in and revived the Dynasty show single handedly.

    Me? I was a Days of our Lives addict for many years….but we’ll save that for another Debate This post!

    So….Dallas or Dynasty? Debate this…..


    [polldaddy poll=4943808]


  • Debate This…Walmart vs Target

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Walmart vs Target


    A Walmart opened near me a few years ago, and I remember thinking, “Walmart is taking over the world.” You can find one almost as easily as you can find a Starbucks.

    Okay, I exaggerate.

    A little.

    Both trademarks are well branded, easily recognized. But the question is, which store do you prefer?

    Debate this….

    [polldaddy poll=4932469]


  • Debate This…Blimpie vs Subway

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Blimpie vs Subway


    I could eat subs every day if needed. Well…almost.

    It’s easy. Fresh. And yummy! Plus, it means I don’t have to cook, which is always a good thing. Safe, too, since I’m a bit clumsy in the kitchen.

    But the question is, which is better. Blimpie or Subway???


    [polldaddy poll=4871026]

  • Debate This . . . Candyman vs Nightmare

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    Candyman vs A Nightmare on Elm Street


    Okay, this movie FREAKED me out. Candyman. Candyman. Candy….okay, I’m stopping there.

    Now. I know I’ve mentioned this movie on this blog before. But never in comparison to another CRAZY-SCARY movie….

    Nightmare on Elm Street.One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.

    Three, four better…..**shudders**

    But the question is….which is scarier?

    Debate this.

    [polldaddy poll=4787044]

  • Debate This . . . Pop Tarts vs Toaster Strudel

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .


    I remember growing up with Pop Tarts.

    Sprinting out the door, late for school, I usually had a strawberry pop tart in hand to quick eat on the drive to school or in first period.


    Love those things.

    But….What about Toaster Strudel?


    Which do you think is better?

    [polldaddy poll=4750756]

  • Debate This. . . Grease vs Grease 2

    Debate This is all about voicing your opinion on really important things, such as Pepsi Vs. Coke, Nike Vs. Converse, and Twinkies Vs. Ho-Hos. **smile** Okay, so maybe they’re not super important, but they’re at least fun things to jaw about. . . .

    Be sure to cast your vote on the poll below. I’ll share the results later. . . .

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDpOM0L9eQI&w=640&h=390]




    Oh my word is really all I can say about this one. Did you even know there was a Grease 2?LOL Yep, there was and oh my word. . . .

    Chime in…Was Michele Pfiefer up to par with Olivia Newton John as the next “Sandi?”

    [polldaddy poll=4669523]