• Top Five. . .

    Well, did you all survive Christmas? I know I sure did. The fact that I got to spend it with family, especially my mother in law, Lynn, who was diagnosed with cancer over Thanksgiving, made this the best Christmas ever.

    I got to thinking–yeah, I know that’s dangerous–but really, I thought back over 2010 and a few things came to mind. So, I thought it might be fun to go through the top five things that made 2010 interesting.

    I said interesting because I can’t say the best, since some pretty not-so-fun things happened this past year. But there were also some that stood out . . .

    So, here is Number FIVE:

    I ran the AFLAC Iron Girl with my BFF!

    Yep, just happened in November, too. You might remember me posting about it.

    I look back at that and smile because it wasn’t just that ONE day me and Michele ran together…it was the week in and week out training we did together.

    We’d meet up at 5:15AM–yes, AM!–and run twice a week, but it wasn’t so much the actual running I remember, but more the camaraderie.

    It was a time to laugh, time to process troubles, and a time to just be.

    She’s a true friend so that’s why that event made the top five things of 2010!


    So, what’s your number five?


  • Comfort . . .

    My BFF sent this email to me the other day, and in light of the recent cancer diagnosis my mother in law received, it really fits where I’m at these days….


    A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard. During the night the folks came across this scene. An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby Jesus as his comfort. No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

    We should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus’ lap from time to time.

  • This Writer’s Journey . . .

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone. In fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    Michele Trent, she’s a friend of the non-writing persuasion. My best friend to be exact.

    When you see me mention going running with my friend on Facebook or Twitter updates, that’s her. In fact, this past November, we ran the Aflac Iron Girl race. Yep, that’s us wearing our finisher medals!

    I figured it was only appropriate to spotlight her here since it’s her fault I’m on this writing journey to begin with.

    Yep. You read right. It’s all her fault.

    She was the instigator who said, “Well, just take the next step,” when I asked her what I should do with the first novel I’d ever written.

    Bless her heart, she read that novel, too. *ducks head in shame *

    She’s my biggest cheerleader and bestest friend. Thanks, Michele. You’re such a blessing to me.

  • This Writer’s Journey . . .

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone. In fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    I met Kendall Grey through the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter of RWA. There’s this critique group called The Mud Puddle. A bunch of us writers hang out there and critique each others work.

    I had posted some of my pages to be reviewed and Kendall grabbed hold of it. Let me tell ya, I sure learned a lot from her. She’s an awesome writer. Her critiques are balanced with brutal honesty, sprinkles of humor, and great suggestions for improving the craft.

    EXACTLY what I look for in a crit partner!

    What I love most is her personality and zest for life. She’s wicked funny and loves her family. I’m so glad to know her.


    Previous weeks on This Writer’s Journey . . .Nicole Baart,Coleen Coble,Diana Sharples,Michelle Sutton,Christian Miles

  • The Men in My Life. . .

    There are two very important men in my life. First, my hubby, Charlie. The second, my dad, Don.

    This past week I got to spend some AWESOME time with both of them.

    It started with an impromptu visit to Sedona to hang out with my dad. We went running through the red rocks of Sedona.

    I’m so blessed to be able to run shoulder-to-shoulder with my dad. If you don’t remember, he’s the one who did the 3,100 mile bike ride across the country , so you can guess where I inherited the genes for extreme/endurance sports.

    But hey, I’m not complaining. He’s been such a fantastic influence on me. He taught me focus and determination.


    The week ended with my sweet hubby having a couple days off from work, so I got to spend tons of time with him.

    We started off with a thirty-milebike ride, then spent time downtown where I got to eat some SWEET yogurt from MOJOs.

    We sauntered around Borders and Barnes & Noble (two of my favorite places), hung out with some friends, then rounded off the weekend by watching movies and eating junk food.

    All that time with the two men in my life got me thinking.

    I’m really blessed.

    They’ve supported me and encouraged me to follow my passion of writing. For that, I’m forever grateful.


    So, who are the special people in your life who give you unconditional love and support?


  • Musical Monday

    On Saturday, one of our music guys at my church, Danny Larsh, sang a song called, Count Me In. Oh my word…Danny sang it so well I had to find out who was the artist.


    I have several of their songs already, even seen them in concert before…but I didn’t know of this song.

    So, as you can guess, I went right to iTunes and got it.

    Hope you like it as well:


    Count Me In, by Leeland



    Have a GREAT Monday, everyone!!