• Christmas Check up . . .

    How is the holiday season going so far for you?

    We’ve got quite a change for this year’s celebration. Good things and not so good. 2010 has proved to be a most eventful year.

    The first few months of 2010 turned out to be very crazy. I got a new job after four months of unemployment, got a book contract, got an agent, and thenlost a book contract because the publisher closed its doors.

    **whew** Right?

    Oh, it gets even more exciting . . . I found myself unemployed again here this past September, but then a couple months later, I landed the best job ever! Assistant to a bookstore manager.

    What better job for a writer, right?

    Right after starting that spectacular new job, we got some devastating news. . . my sweet mother-in-law, Lynn, got diagnosed with cancer. At first it looked pretty grim–but as testing went on, we’ve been told she may be a candidate for surgery after all.

    So, if you pray, pray. . . she’s only 62 and I’m so not ready to lose the one who inspired my pen name.

    Yep, she’s why I picked Lynn. . . but that’s a post for another day.

    Christmas 2010, if everything goes right, will be hopping here. Everyone is converging here in the desert to escape the frigid midwest weather. But most of all, I’m just thankful we can all be together, especially with my mother-in-law’s health concern hovering over our heads.

    Looking back over the year, it sure made me focus on the true meaning of Christmas. For me it’s Jesus’ birthday, and second to that, celebrating the love of family and friends. I’m so blessed!


    How are the holidays going for you? What are your plans?


  • This Writer’s Journey . . .

    Writing is a journey, one I truly love and enjoy, but it can sometimes feel rather lonely. Hour after hour, alone, at the computer, pouring your heart and soul into each word. But I’ve learned I’m not alone. In fact, I’ve been blessed to be in contact with some amazing people, both writers and non-writers.

    I want to share a bit of that with you. Each week I’ll be spotlighting someone I’ve come in contact with during my journey. Thanks for stepping along side of me-all of you-during this exciting time!


    I met Kendall Grey through the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter of RWA. There’s this critique group called The Mud Puddle. A bunch of us writers hang out there and critique each others work.

    I had posted some of my pages to be reviewed and Kendall grabbed hold of it. Let me tell ya, I sure learned a lot from her. She’s an awesome writer. Her critiques are balanced with brutal honesty, sprinkles of humor, and great suggestions for improving the craft.

    EXACTLY what I look for in a crit partner!

    What I love most is her personality and zest for life. She’s wicked funny and loves her family. I’m so glad to know her.


    Previous weeks on This Writer’s Journey . . .Nicole Baart,Coleen Coble,Diana Sharples,Michelle Sutton,Christian Miles

  • The Men in My Life. . .

    There are two very important men in my life. First, my hubby, Charlie. The second, my dad, Don.

    This past week I got to spend some AWESOME time with both of them.

    It started with an impromptu visit to Sedona to hang out with my dad. We went running through the red rocks of Sedona.

    I’m so blessed to be able to run shoulder-to-shoulder with my dad. If you don’t remember, he’s the one who did the 3,100 mile bike ride across the country , so you can guess where I inherited the genes for extreme/endurance sports.

    But hey, I’m not complaining. He’s been such a fantastic influence on me. He taught me focus and determination.


    The week ended with my sweet hubby having a couple days off from work, so I got to spend tons of time with him.

    We started off with a thirty-milebike ride, then spent time downtown where I got to eat some SWEET yogurt from MOJOs.

    We sauntered around Borders and Barnes & Noble (two of my favorite places), hung out with some friends, then rounded off the weekend by watching movies and eating junk food.

    All that time with the two men in my life got me thinking.

    I’m really blessed.

    They’ve supported me and encouraged me to follow my passion of writing. For that, I’m forever grateful.


    So, who are the special people in your life who give you unconditional love and support?


  • Happy Weekend

    What do you have planned?



    I hope to do a lot of relaxing and reading.


    Be sure to stop by next week for the next scary movie in our month-long countdown


    The beginning of a series spotlighting people I’ve met throughout my journey as a writer

    It’s going to be great fun!

  • Five things I’ve Learned. . .

    No, the picture has nothing to do with the post.

    I just thought it was really pretty.

    Don’t you?

    Now, back to business. . .

    My friend, Danica, tagged me in this fun post!

    The post was about the five things I’ve learned this year. To pick just five was difficult, but hey, here’s my attempt:

    1. Patience. Now, I can’t say I’ve learned it, cuz I’m still learning it. But, it counts as one, right? And how have I been learning it? Oh, the waiting game. Several publishers have requested several full manuscripts from my agent, and now the waiting game is on full force. But it’s all good, cuz I’ll just write some more . . . 🙂

    2. I can get through heartache. I had a publishing contracted signed, my book cover, AND my first round of edits for Violet Midnight—but then the publisher closed its doors. I blogged about it HERE, but the reason I bring it up today is that I learned I can get through disappointment. God’s faithful, I trust that. It was a bit easier to swallow, too, when a couple other publishers requested it shortly after my heartbreak. Oh, and then I wrote another book after that. . . so, yeah, I learned I can get through heartache.

    3. I can survive without caffeine. Okay, not totally without caffeine, but with significantly less than what I’d been consuming. Sure, had a wicked headache for a day or two, but now, Chrystal Light is my friend. Grape and Fruit Punch. YUMMY!

    4. Friends are important. I’ve met so many friends online and in face-to-face writers groups and I’ve come to realize how valuable they are. Such a constant support in this endeavor! They make me smile when I’m not feeling like it. Encourage me with well-timed, uplifting words. And most importantly, love me for me. Even with all my character defects.

    5. God is ever faithful. Through months of unemployment, the heartache of losing a publishing contract, and various other interesting developments over the past year, God has been faithful through it all. And like the video I played on yesterday’s post, I’ve landed on my feet every event thrown my way so far this year. Woo-Hoo!!

    Now it’s time for me to pass the buck. Are you ready? Three lucky people will get the chance to share their learning experiences with the rest of us. And you are: Lori Lundquist, KM Wilsher, and Kat Harris.What have you learned so far this year?