• Genre Favorite Blogfest

    Alex is having another super fun blogfest. He has the funnest blog, you MUST check it out!
    And yes, I did say funnest. **LOL** I always think of Legally Blonde when she says “funner!”
    It just makes me smile.
    But…I digress.
    This Blogfest is talking about three things I love:
    Books, Music, and Movies!!!
    The only bugger about this is trying to pick a favorite genre of each. LOL!
    So, here’s my attempt.
    [stextbox id=”custom” color=”ffffff” bgcolor=”1033ee”]Favorite Genre of Movie…[/stextbox]
    I have some classic favorites such as Commando (Yes, I know, it’s cheesy, but I just love it), First Blood, Terminator and then some of the newer ones like Salt, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Thor, Avengers….So, you see my theme, right? Action, Action, Action! It’s such a rush.
    [stextbox id=”custom” color=”ffffff” bgcolor=”1033ee”]Favorite Genre of Music…[/stextbox]
    This one was hard. I love the hard stuff and pop…80’s music is huge…but I think I’m going to have to choose the hard stuff. Skillet, Red, Decypher Down, P!nk, Seether. . . But there will always be some classic favorites, too, like Mariah Carey (her older stuff), Whitney, Celine…..
    [stextbox id=”custom” color=”ffffff” bgcolor=”1033ee”]Favorite Genre of Books….[/stextbox]
    Now that one was easy. Love me anything out of the ordinary with a KICK BUTT heroine!
    [stextbox id=”custom” color=”ffffff” bgcolor=”1033ee”]Guilty Pleasure from any of these three categories…[/stextbox]
    I’d have to go with the Gena Showalter Lords of the Underworld series. **whew** That is INTENSE! I’m so ready for the next one to come out. I’ve lost tons of sleep reading these!
    Okay, that was fun!
    ***Care to share any of your FAVES?***

  • LOOK Challenge

    Kendall Grey left a LOOK challenge open on THIS blog post:

    I thought it might be fun to give it a try.

    Here are the rules:

    • Find the first usage of the word “look” in your work in progress and paste the surrounding paragraph(s) into your blog.
    • Invite as many people as you want to take part in the challenge with you.

    Okay, mine’s from my latest New Adult WIP. I’m working on a title (which I asked your help with onTHIS post), so for now, it’s just Theo and Sadie-the main characters. I know, it’s lame, but that’s how I roll. LOL.

    Here goes:

    “Why didn’t you go in and claim her right then? Instead you interrupted my pleasure and now you froze. She was inches from you, yet you said nothing.”

    He couldn’t explain it. Her topaz eyes had captivated her. Despite wearing work clothes smudged with grease and smelling of it, she’d rendered him paralyzed with her stare. Over nine centuries of experience tracking demons and returning them to their place in Hades, one look from the tiny female and she’d rendered him useless. Not even a coherent word formed in his muddled brain.

    His mate nodded at the girl, then swiped her fingers beneath her eyes. She made haste to a table with a coffee pot in hand. A wide grin filled the old man’s face.

    “Refill?” Her voice cracked.

    “Yes, dear.” The man eyed Sadie in the most peculiar way.

    And then Theo saw why. Sadie leaned forward with the coffee pot poised to fill the cup, and the old man’s hand landed on her behind.

    Theo burst out of the booth, snarling. His fangs extended. A roar vibrated through his stomach and out his mouth so violently he feared fire had accompanied it.


    Okay, that was fun! So, whoever shall I tag?

    I’m thinking:

    Tara Fuller

    Kate Evangelista

    Lisa Kessler

  • Pre-Order and receive a gift…


    ***UPDATE 9/10/12: I see Amazon and Barnes and Noble have jumped the gun & made the book live already. BUT the offer will remain open to all until October 19th so both print and electronic versions can get in on this.****

    Violet Midnight is live for Pre-Orders on Amazon!

    And we have a gift for all who pre-order. . .

    Send the link showing your Violet Midnight pre-order to Publicist (at) lynnrush (dot) com and we’ll send you an autographed postcard.

    A couple of things to mention:

    1. Books make great gifts, so if you gift the book to anyone, that, too, earns an autographed post card.

    2. A portion of all proceeds benefits cancer research & awareness.

    3. This is open internationally.

    4. Spread the word!

    And don’t forget, come check out the book trailer and give it a like!




    You guys ROCK! Thanks for all of your support. The LynnRushWrites Facebook page hit 3,000 likes, and we want to say thank you! A bunch of my author friends are helping me celebrate, too, which means MORE PRIZES for you!

    Come on over to Facebook and check it out. There is a prize package of 16 e-books from the authors participating in this celebration with me and $65-worth of gift cards!!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • #VioletMidnight ARC….

    Thanks to everyone who entered for a chance to win one of five Violet Midnight ARCs!!

    Here are the winners:

    Lisa Van

    Heather Rosene

    Sarah Dixon

    Shanna Roberson

    Candy Smith

    Please email me at LynnRush (at) lynnrush (dot) com to claim your prize!

    Be sure to come back Tuesday September 4th for the big cover and book trailer reveal!

    Let the Hunt begin…

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