
  • Down time #TheRunningWriter

    Everyone needs down time, but we so often don’t have time to take downtime.

    Can you relate?

    Well, sometimes it’s forced upon you in one form or another. For me, these past five days, a wicked head and chest cold knocked my feet out from beneath me.

    I’ve spent lots of time balled up beneath the blankets, sleeping off the fever, trying not to break a rib as I cough my lungs out…you get the picture.

    While I despise being sick, because who has the time, it’s a big reminder that I need to slow down once in a while. It’s a big reminder to appreciate my health when it’s good. And an even bigger reminder of how blessed I am to be able to work at a job with pretty awesome people and run the trails with my trail peeps!

    Hopefully today is my last day of seclusion. I will for sure return to the land of the living with a new and fresh attitude of thanksgiving and appreciation!

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  • Keep moving #TheRunningWriter

    I run in the dark a lot for a couple reasons: 1) I live in the desert and sometimes it’s just so stinking hot out I have to start early to avoid the sun. 2) I have a day job, so I’ve got to get my workout done before I leave.

    I don’t particularly like running in the dark because it’s a little spooky and I can’t see super well. Sure. I carry lots of light, but it’s still dark. I can’t see everything around me and that makes me feel out of control.

    Kind of like life sometimes, huh?

    Feeling out of control is the worst. We spend our time planning, trying to prepare for anything that might come our way, but we can’t see everything. We won’t ever be able to.

    We just have to keep moving a little bit every day. Some days we get to see more of our surroundings and we take bigger steps forward. Some days the steps are small and they are scary because we can see ahead very well.

    Keep moving, though. You can do it.

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  • Today is your day! #TheRunningWriter

    I got an awesome present from a very thoughtful friend who seems to really get me. It was a journal (I love journals) and it had this saying on it:


    How cool is that? And how totally spot on is that?

    And I will, thank you very much. Are you ready to go out and take charge of your day? Make the most of it? Live it to the fullest?

    Today is your day! Make it a great one!

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  • This thing called life #TheRunningWriter

    Yesterday it was rainy in the desert. That doesn’t happen too much, so it’s kind of a novelty when it does.

    It also makes me want to hibernate. It didn’t help that I was super sore from Saturday’s race.

    But, moving around is good. To me it still defies logic to move when you’re sore, since our instinct is to avoid doing something when it hurts you.

    It’s true though. When you’re muscles are sore, you’ve got to move, that movement helps flush out the lactic acid which is making you sore.

    It’s the same when you’re depressed, scared, embarrassed and just want to curl up and hide. Not move.

    Fight the urge my friends. Take a tiny step and get moving. Reach out for help to friends, doctors, counselors–whatever it takes, reach out.

    You are not alone in this thing called life. You are worthy, loved and wanted. Don’t ever forget that.

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  • Life’s too short #TheRunningWriter

    This week was a strange week. Let me explain.

    This is the week that my father-in-law (who I called Dad II) unexpectedly died last year.

    A co-worker’s husband unexpectedly died this week. He was a young guy. Younger than my sweet hubby.

    Boy that makes you step back and look at life, doesn’t it? Am I living the life meant for me? Am I doing right by my family & friends?

    The annoyances of daily living kind of pale in comparison to losing your life partner. Your soul mate.

    So take this as a reminder to hug your loved ones. Try new adventures. Live life. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Enjoy each moment, no matter how small or big.

    Life’s too short to dwell on the negative.

    Life’s too short to live a day in regret.

    Life’s too short to not forgive those who’ve hurt you.

    Life’s too short to not love.

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  • Get your fight on #TheRunningWriter

    Happiness and success aren’t going to just fall into my lap.

    I have to fight for my marriage.

    I have to fight for my health.

    I have to fight for my writing goals.

    That means hard work, failure, happiness, sadness, pain, joy, love, but that’s ok. I’m strong. I can do this.

    So can you!

    Get your fight on and face this day with the hope and knowledge that you are strong. You can do this!!

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