• Email Inbox Surprise

    Thursday morning started out pretty normal. Up at the crack of dawn, quick get ready to go work-out. I was spending quality time with the elliptical at my local LA Fitness when my iPhone rang out–ooooops, forgot to silence it.

    Well, since it dinged…..I clicked open my email.

    Subject line read: YOUR BOOK HAS BEEN CHOSEN BEST READ OF 2011

    Yes. I totally almost fell off my elliptical.

    Thankfully I didn’t because I would have broken something. Probably my hand, and that would mean no more typing for a while. **worst nightmare EVER**

    Okay, so, with shaking fingers, me trying NOT to fall, and resisting the urge to start hyperventilating I open the message.

    Turns out theParanormal Romance Guild’sreviewers get together and pick their favorite reads over the past year. Then they put them out there for the READERS to vote on.

    Now, I know it sounds corny, but I truly am honored just to be nominated. I mean, look at the other nominees? HOLY COW.

    Your task, should you choose to accept is:


    Love & Kisses

    Yep, just CLICK HERE and you’ll be at their website. Feel free to spread the word, too.

    Thanks for your support, everyone. You guys ROCK!


  • Year End #Giveaway

    I’ve been so truly blessed this 2011. Yes, the year had many ups and downs. Exciting and sad times. But for the most part, it’s been a great year.

    So, I want to celebrate! Or, I just wanted to try out this really cool Rafflecopter program. It’s awesome.

    Onto the giveaway.

    You have five days, so have fun!

  • Travel time….

    I bet a lot of people are getting ready to travel for Christmas.

    So here’s a little chuckle for ya while you’re waiting in security lines…


    Who’s headed out for the holidays?

    I’m off to Denver! It’s going to be a bitter-sweet holiday. The first Christmas without my sweet mother-in-law, but all the rest of the family will be together and that’s what matters!

    Safe travels, my friends!!!

  • Hush, Hush…..

    So, I found a new author I adore.

    It was touch and go for a minute there, but…..I’m in.

    Book one was Hush, Hush:

    Book two was Crescendo:

    Book three was Silence:

    Now, book one ROCKED. Nicely paced, learned about the characters….kinda fell in love with them.

    Book two, TOTALLY different story. I nearly put down the book and abandoned the series. It was definitely the “sophomore slump” as they call it.

    But….I pressed on because I liked the idea of the story. I enjoyed Becca’s writing style, for the most part. She left the ending hanging big time (flirted with almost too much of a cliffhanger) so I figured I would do it.

    I am SOOO glad I did. Book three was the best one so far. AND, it got me thinking. I have a “sophomore” book coming out in May of 2012. Awaited, Wasteland #2…

    **bites nails**

    I sure don’t think it’s a sophomore slump, but….I’m also sure someone out there will think it’s a sophomore slump. Hopefully they’ll push through and stick it out for the third (currently untitled and still really rough since it was just written last month for NaNoWriMo).


    So, what new authors have caught your eye lately? Not that I need to add to my ever-expanding TBR list. LOL

    Head over to Goodreads and check the Hush, Hush books out: CLICK HERE. If you like anything YA, you’ll be happy with these (with mild exception to book 2).

  • Throwback Thursday…book style

    So, I was thinking–I know that’s a bit scary for you all, but hang with me.

    Now, I get asked ALL the time if I’ve wanted to be a writer all my life. Or if I grew up reading and writing all the time….

    Actually. Nope. I mean, I read some, but there’s one book I DO remember reading.

    Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, by Judy Blume.

    When I read it, I was like WHOA…can they write about that stuff?

    But it was cute, intriguing, and funny.

    So for our Throwback Thursday, I’d love to hear about a book that influenced you while growing up Smile
