• Five things I’ve Learned. . .

    No, the picture has nothing to do with the post.

    I just thought it was really pretty.

    Don’t you?

    Now, back to business. . .

    My friend, Danica, tagged me in this fun post!

    The post was about the five things I’ve learned this year. To pick just five was difficult, but hey, here’s my attempt:

    1. Patience. Now, I can’t say I’ve learned it, cuz I’m still learning it. But, it counts as one, right? And how have I been learning it? Oh, the waiting game. Several publishers have requested several full manuscripts from my agent, and now the waiting game is on full force. But it’s all good, cuz I’ll just write some more . . . 🙂

    2. I can get through heartache. I had a publishing contracted signed, my book cover, AND my first round of edits for Violet Midnight—but then the publisher closed its doors. I blogged about it HERE, but the reason I bring it up today is that I learned I can get through disappointment. God’s faithful, I trust that. It was a bit easier to swallow, too, when a couple other publishers requested it shortly after my heartbreak. Oh, and then I wrote another book after that. . . so, yeah, I learned I can get through heartache.

    3. I can survive without caffeine. Okay, not totally without caffeine, but with significantly less than what I’d been consuming. Sure, had a wicked headache for a day or two, but now, Chrystal Light is my friend. Grape and Fruit Punch. YUMMY!

    4. Friends are important. I’ve met so many friends online and in face-to-face writers groups and I’ve come to realize how valuable they are. Such a constant support in this endeavor! They make me smile when I’m not feeling like it. Encourage me with well-timed, uplifting words. And most importantly, love me for me. Even with all my character defects.

    5. God is ever faithful. Through months of unemployment, the heartache of losing a publishing contract, and various other interesting developments over the past year, God has been faithful through it all. And like the video I played on yesterday’s post, I’ve landed on my feet every event thrown my way so far this year. Woo-Hoo!!

    Now it’s time for me to pass the buck. Are you ready? Three lucky people will get the chance to share their learning experiences with the rest of us. And you are: Lori Lundquist, KM Wilsher, and Kat Harris.What have you learned so far this year?

  • When was it Love? –Week of Love

    We didn't see each other before the service, so pictures were taken after. . .

    When it came to choosing a person to do the scripture readings at our wedding, I didn’t hesitate–Lynn & RG Boeyink. That’s Charlie’s Mom and Dad.

    First, they’re awesome role models (married 43 years now!) Second, their faith continually astounds me. Third–well, there is no third, I just KNEW they were the people to do it.

    But when Lynn and RG made their way to the podium, I got a little nervous because I saw Lynn carrying a piece of paper.

    It was then that I knew she’d written something down.

    It was then that I knew, I would need Kleenx–lots of them.

    She just has a way with words . . . So, here is what she read.

    Not an eye was dry in the church.

    Enjoy, and be sure to stop by tomorrow, because my sweet hubby is breaking down his TOP TEN most favorite love songs. And he knows how to pick them, let me tell you.


    When was it Love?

    By Lynn Boeyink

    I wore my mom's wedding dress. My diamond is Charlie's mom's engagement diamond.

    Little did you two know that on the campus in Marshall, Minnesota, you would meet, eventually fall in love with, and today marry each other. As the months and years passed at Southwest State and the friendships came and went, you established yourselves there, chose your fields of study, worked and played, and the awareness of one another became more real.

    But when what is love?

    Was it a glimmer of in your smiles that set the world in fire or was it in the eyes that sparkle and light up a room?

    Perhaps there was something unique in that friendly manner and charm that seemed to be so natural. Or was it that confident style that told everyone you met that you could conquer any task or problem that came your way?

    Was it a sense of love on those first few dates when you were convinced that this is one very special person? Or, was it when the realization that your life goals and commitment to hard work were similar or when you realized that your enjoyment of the outdoors and sports were compatible?

    This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my dad on my wedding day

    Perhaps it was love when you learned of one another’s faith in Jesus Christ and that you both had a desire to be a part of the world around you but not to live by worldly standards. Maybe it grew to be real love as your time together became more and more cherished and your time apart more uncomfortable.

    It must have been true love when you looked into one another’s eyes and finally knew deep in your hearts that you wanted to be together forever.

    But you do know, don’t you, that it really was love long before you ever met, before your first date, even before you left home to venture out on your own to make your way in the world. Before you did any of these things—it was love!

    It was love because God says in his word, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.” and He says, ‘I know the plans I have for you…plants to give you home and a future.”

    So you see, it was love for you when you committed to each other, but God loved you long before that, His love is eternal, and his plans for you stand firm forever.

    It was love for you before you were ever born, because God said so. He planned it that way. May you grow in this love for each other with time knowing always that your union is part of God’s divine plan for your lives.

    You may kiss the bride. Bonded for life now and happy to be.


    So, what’s your love story?

  • Cinema Sound Off–Week of Love

    This is the week of love here on the blog, but today is the scheduled Cinema Sound Off movie review. . . believe it or not, the movie we’re reviewing has a bit of LOVE in it. . .so I’m sneaking it into this week’s lineup.



    My good friend,KM Wilsher, and I are heading out toHarkins Theatres each month to watch a choice movie.

    We’ll let you know if it’s worth you spending your hard-earned money or not.

    CLICK HERE for our rating system

    Now…onto the movie.


    SALT, starring Angelina Jolie.

    Now, you’re probably wondering–if you’ve seen it or at least the movie trailer–how the heck this action movie could have a little love in it.

    Trust me. It does. I can’t say much about it as to not ruin the movie for ya, but there is. Maybe I picked up on it because I’m a writer of romance, but still. As I write in all my novels, Love can conquer all. But that’s all I’ll say about that.

    Synopsis from IMDB:

    As a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty, honor and country. Her loyalty will be tested when a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. Salt goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture. Salt’s efforts to prove her innocence only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question remains: “Who is Salt?”

    My review:

    This movie is now listed as my favorite. I know favorites change for me, but up to date, this one has now claimed the number one spot.

    I love action movies. You could ask any of my friends. It’s true. I love the RUSH of a good action scene. My writing reflects that as well, hence the phrase, Catch the Rush, so you get my drift.

    This movie is JAM packed with action. It started out with a bit more backstory in the beginning than I would have preferred, but after that, it was non-stop.

    Despite the fact that I guessed the bad guy within the first five minutes, the movie still held my interest because I sometimes doubted my guess. In the end, I was right, and I cursed myself for doubting my initial assessment, but still. To have a movie that had me thinking, squirming with excitement, and hoping it wouldn’t end, I was ecstatic.

    Finally, a chick–Angelina Jolie (one of my favorite actors)–who can kick some serious butt stars in a movie that keeps me engaged for nearly every minute, and it wasn’t riddled with steamy-make-me-blush-love-scenes and F-bombs every other word. It was an intelligent, challenging, and overall fantastically engaging movie.

    I am giving it FIVE tickets. Our highest rating.

    5 tickets: A must see. Buy a ticket for everyone.

    Here’s the trailer if you wanna see:


    Now, run over to KM’s blog and check out her take on the movie.


    Have you seen SALT? Did you like it? Do tell….

  • Friday Funnies

    From the iPhoto Album. . .

    I was “flipping” through pictures this past weekend and found some funny ones we did with the Photo Booth on iPhoto. It had me in stitches. Thought I’d share a bit. . .


    I remember Dina and I were giggling so hard when we took these.

    Such fun.

    And GREAT memories with my niece.


    What’s making you laugh these days?

  • Throwback Thursdays

    Last week on Throwback Thursday, one of the comments mentioned roller skating.

    Ours had the bright laces, too.

    I’m totally jumping on that this week for Throwback Thursday’s post.

    Did you guys ever go roller skating?

    OMG. I totally did.

    Friday nights were the NIGHT we waited for all week long.

    Loved it.

    At our place, Skateland, we had panda parties, and for birthday’s it was so much fun handing out those Panda Invites, then skating the day away with my friends.

    Ahhhh, the memories.

    The slick, shiny floor reflecting all the flashing lights. And then, they’d dim the lights for the slow songs . . . .

    Did you guys have theme nights? I remember Madonna night the most. Wearing the jelly bracelets all the way up my arm.


    So, did you have a “Skateland” growing up?

  • The Storm

    Flooding in our backyard after only 20-30 minutes of rain. It came down in sheets.

    It’s been a little rainy and stormy here in the desert lately, which got me thinking.

    And yes, I’m known to have a deep thought once in a while for all those people I imagine saying, “Uh-oh, watch out. . .Lynn’s thinking again. ”

    Really, I think a lot. Probably because I always have my ‘writer’s cap’ on, searching for stories, unique characters, or random things for blog posts.

    Our bone-dry pond overflowed within 20 minutes the rain came down so hard

    Mostly I’m just watching things, processing them in my head for the most part. Sometimes jotting things down in a little notebook, like if I hear a phrase or see something that’s interesting to me.

    But the storms we’ve been having, which have left my yard soggy and my pond overflowing in a matter of minutes, got me thinking about how stormy life can get.

    This video I took with my camera is telling as well.


    After the storm beauty

    The rain is pouring and wind is howling. Sure made a mess of things around the house and the neighborhood. I know other parts of the country have seen much worse and have suffered much more than I, but what clenched the deep thought for me were the aftereffects.

    The evening sun sliced through the thick, dreary clouds. Its rays bounced off the moisture and gave a beautiful rainbow.

    It was a reminder to me that if we can get through the rough patches, the end will be worth it.

    I’m not free from struggles, and I’ll never claim to be, but the storms were a nice reminder to me that if I can get through them, everything will work out somehow.

    Some call it faith in God, fate, destiny, or whatever, but I choose to call it faith in God and his plan for me. The end might not be the pretty rainbow, or exactly what I want, but I’ve never been told everything would work out smoothly or be as pretty as a rainbow, either. I’ve just been guaranteed I won’t be alone in whatever I face.

    So, I’ll wade through whatever wind and soaking rain is thrown my way and see what kind of rainbow I find at the end.