• And so the story goes. . .

    I haven’t been looking forward to writing this post, but I wanted to share my story with you.

    Writing for publication can be a journey of highs and lows, and I’ve shared everything with you along the way. Most have been the highs, but now, it’s time for a “low.”

    You may remember my novel, Violet Midnight, won a contest in which the first prize was publication.

    It was an exciting time, to say the least.

    When I got my book cover and then my first round of edits from the editor, it felt even more real. I mean, a book cover with my name on it, how could that not be real, right?

    I even held out in revealing the cover for a while after I’d gotten it…just because I still couldn’t believe one of my novels was going to be in print!

    I was quickly snapped back into reality when I got an email informing me that the publisher who was going to publish my novel closed its doors.

    Yep, you read that right. The publisher closed its doors.

    Violet Midnight will no longer be published.

    I won’t lie, I was sad when I got the news. Surprised at first, but then sad. I’d held off on really, truly accepting the fact that I’d be published until I had gotten my cover and first round of edits.

    Now, I didn’t write this to get a bunch of “oh, that’s so sad or too bad,” comments or to start a bash session against anyone. I wrote this for a couple reasons.

    First reason-to share the journey with you. Not everything always goes as planned in life, whether it’s writing related or not. Heck, I hadn’t wanted to be thrust into unemployment for over four months last year. . . But I was.

    I just try and take each step as it comes. I fully trust in God’s plan. He knows what’s in store for me and my life. I’m just along for the ride.

    Second reason-to encourage you. Just because there is a set back in your life, whether you’re a writer, or not, don’t give up. Never give up. I didn’t. In fact, you know what the best remedy is for losing a book contract like this?


    Yep. I sat down and let the creativity flow, and from it, another novel bloomed. It doesn’t have a title yet, but the lead character is named Journey, and she has some wicked-cool powers. I pounded out about 75,000 words in nine days and now it’s sitting aside for some time until I go back and flesh it out. That’s the best remedy for a sad heart!

    Thanks for walking along side me on my journey to publication. Maybe some day soon more news will come my way that will make us all celebrate again. But until then, I shall write on!

  • Scary Stories

    Time for a contest!

    Get your horror stories ready.

    I know it’s not Halloween, but I’m in the mood to read something spooky.

    So here’s the contest.

    Write a super-scary, short story (up to 500 words) and post it in the comments here.

    ***BUT here’s the twist***

    These three words-Pony, Rainbow, Teddy Bear-must be somewhere in the story.

    Post it directly in the comments here and the one that scares me the most WINS a gift card to Barnes and Noble.

    Yep, I know, the judging is totally subjective, but it’s my blog, right? LOL. No, seriously, the one that scares me the most will win. If I can’t decide, maybe I’ll have two winners….you just never know. . .

    You have until Wednesday March 17th to post your short story. I’ll announce the winner on Saturday March 20th.

    So—WRITE ON!


    I better share some little disclaimers: This contest is totally voluntary and totally just for fun. I am the sole judge. One entry per person. The $10 Barnes and Noble gift card prize was not provided to me by Barnes and Noble, nor do I endorse that bookstore over any other–I just happen to like it. I’m just doing this for the fun of it.

  • 2010 starts off with a bang.

    HI. Emma Martin here. You don’t know me, because I haven’t been asked to host the blog yet like some of Lynn’s other characters. What’s up with that anyway, Lynn?


    When Lynn got some fantastic news about her novel, Violet Midnight, I demanded I make the announcement on the blog. I mean, it’s a book about ME, so it’s only fair, right?

    She’s already plastered it over Facebook and Twitter, so you probably know already, but at least I get to tell you more of the details.

    Back on November 8th, 2009, Lynn decided to enter my story in a contest called Write Your Name Across The Sky, sponsored by The Book Boost. I thought it’d be cool because I like how she told my story.

    So, on Sunday, Lynn was just sitting in her little office, working on her other book, Guardian. It was requested by an editor on Friday, so she was doing a read-through because she’s anal like that.

    Anyway, an email from The Book Boost popped into her inbox. She snatched up the laptop and ran out to her hubby. I tagged along, so I saw the entire thing go down.

    They sat on the couch while Lynn clicked the link to the results. I thought her chest would explode she sucked in such a deep breath. So did her hubby. He’s such a cutie (sorry, Lynn, had to say it–you know it’s true).

    Okay, back to the story.

    Lynn scrolled down and just under the First Prize badge, it said, “Violet Midnight, by Lynn Rush.” Then it had her picture and a short bio of her.

    I flopped to my knees, dumbfounded at the fact that my story would be published. People might buy my story and learn about my crazy, demon-fighting life.


    Both Lynn and her hubby didn’t believe it at first. I knew right away it was true, but they doubted. Especially Lynn. She had to email a couple people to have them read the link to see if that’s what it really and truly said.

    It did.

    She’d won first prize in the contest—a publishing contract and a year of promotion!

    So, the year has truly started out with a bang for Lynn. New job, winning a contract, and getting a full request for Guardian from an editor.

    Thanks for letting me stop by and share the news, Lynn. I’m so excited Violet Midnight won.

  • Writers Contest


    Writing contests are, or should be in my opinion, a big part of the writing process toward publication. Why? You might ask? Well, a couple reasons. First, they get you focused. Having a goal for me is part of keeping me focused on making progress on a project. Knowing I have to submit something by a certain date keeps me focused.

    Second, it gives me objective feedback. Yep. Getting your stuff out in front of other people who will then give you impartial feedback will ever improve your writing.

    I’m a prime example.

    Over the past 18 months or so, I’ve written about eight novels. But let me tell you, that wouldn’t have been possible without contests. I took what I’d learned from the several contests I’d entered my first book in to and honed the weaknesses they’d pointed out.

    And hey, I’ve even placed or finaled in a couple, which was surprising to say the least.

    So, I’m here to introduce a contest I hope all you writers will try consider.

    Our local American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) chapter, which is called Christian Writers of the West (CWOW) is sponsoring its first contest. We have a stellar line up on published writers judging first round entries. The final round judges are stellar as well.

    Come check it out. I hope you consider entering: The Phoenix Rattler: Does your story have bite?

    Good luck, everyone!



    I got a call that rocked my world on Friday the 17th…. Light of Truth Finaled in a writing contest.

    The call caught me off guard. I was at the grocery store standing in the check out line. I’m like, “715 area code? Who could that be?”

    I don’t know what possessed me to answer, I mean, I was next in line to check out. I guess I figured I could because the guy in front of me was taking forever and the call was probably a solicitor.” (And yes, I put my cell number on the no call list, I still get them.)

    Anyway, I picked it up and God bless her soul, the woman on the end of the line repeated it, like, six times. I couldn’t believe I was hearing her right.

    So, I stepped out of line, letting the person behind me check out while I got the details. I was so excited you’d think I had won!! Heck, even if I don’t win, I’m stoked I finaled.

    AND, to make things even BETTER, I was leaving later that night to Sedona, AZ with my dear friend KM for a writer’s retreat.

    A weekend of nothing but writing. NO TV, no nothing.

    We’d arrived up to Sedona later that night and I was so wired from the final, I did a little work, but the REAL fun started Saturday . . . but you’ll have to stay tuned for that until tomorrow. ☺


    Have you ever won something? Do tell.
