
The unknowns #TheRunningWriter

The unknown can be really scary. The number of “What If…” questions are seemingly infinite when faced with the unknown.

And there are a lot of unknowns in life.

We can control lots of aspects of our day and our future, but there are way more things we can’t control.

So how do you deal with the unknowns? How do you stay positive? How do you not curl up into a ball and never leave your house?

Everyone has different ways of coping. For me, I have my faith.

Faith not only in God, but in myself, my friends, and my family.

My faith in God is key, and the base of everything I do, but I also have to have faith in me. Faith that I’m strong enough to handle whatever is thrown at me.

I am strong. And so are you. Sometimes we don’t feel strong, but we are. Stop and look at everything you’ve faced off with and overcome!

You can do this.

I have faith in my family and friends, too. They will come around me and help support me when I’m feeling weak or scared. That’s what life is all about. We’re in this together.

So, hang in there, my friends. You can do this. You are strong. And you are loved.

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NYT & USA Today Bestseller & ultra-runner known as #TheRunningWriter. Agents: Joyce Sweeney & Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.