

    Death would have been easier to accept had I known I would be going to heaven, but I didn’t.

    That’s the first sentence of the novel I just finished writing.

    Not sure it’ll stay exactly the same through all the edits to come, but for now, on this rough, first draft, I’ve typed THE END on Morgan and Tanner’s story.

    83,000 words. That’s the most I’ve ever had on a first draft. Usually I get about 75,000 or so, then when I flesh it out I end up around 82,000 or 83,000 words. So, we’ll see what happens on this one

    The story ignited the day after I returned from my trip to England and France. I blame the jet lag that had me up at two in the morning.


    Morgan is the heroine and it’s in her POV (Point of View). Like the last story I wrote (finished in May) this one is pretty dark.

    I think the darkness of my last two stories spawns from the death of one of my high school classmates (he took his own life back in May). Life events usually impact me when it comes to my writing.

    And his death sure did.

    My character, Morgan, is lost to drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. But when she’s about to die a violent death, she screams out, demanding God give her a second chance.

    She gets just that, but with conditions. . . .

    Morgan was a fun, but challenging, character to write. She’s so close to the darkness of despair that she can’t see how precious she is. That her life is worth so much more than she could ever imagine.

    My friend Brian never saw past the darkness of despair to see his worth, but at least I can write characters who do.


    What inspires your writing?

    If you’re not a writer, what’s one thing that has inspired you lately? Someone reading this blog might want to hear a word of encouragement.


  • You’ll be Missed-Week of Hope

    Well, we’re on day three of the Week of Hope here on the blog.

    Today is a tough one for me. So bear with me if you will . . .

    Earlier this week I’d mentioned that a high school friend of mine had passed away because he’d lost all hope.

    On Saturday, May 15th, my friend, Brian, took his own life.

    His actions affected me so profoundly it took me by surprise. I hadn’t seen my friend in nearly fifteen years. I expected to be sad, of course, he was a good friend of mine in school. But I wasn’t prepared for the level of sadness that has racked my heart since it happened.

    I went to the funeral up in Minnesota last week. So many people flocked to the service it was standing room only.

    It got me thinking.

    Had he any idea his life impacted so many people so profoundly, would he have done it?

    I’m not all knowing, but my guess is that he wouldn’t have.

    He left this earth so early and leaving so many unanswered questions, the main one, for me, being WHY?

    I believe he had lost all hope.

    The dictionary defines hope as:

    * afeelingofexpectationand desire for a certain thing to happen

    “¢apersonor thing that may help or save someone

    “¢grounds for believing that something good may happen

    I’m not sure what your definition or idea of hope is, but you can click the word hope to see my idea ofHOPE

    There are people out there who love you and care about you, even when you think there isn’t. Look at my friend, Brian, for example. I bet he had NO idea how many people his life impacted and who will forever be asking . . . Why?


  • Never Give Up–Week of Hope

    The movie Legion ranks up there on the scale of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. But, one thing that rang true in the movie was its theme of hope.

    Yep. Amongst crappy acting & terrible writing, I found a theme that touched my heart.


    Sure, the special effects were pretty good. And, well, I admit, I have a thing for angels and wings.Heck, I’ve even written a couple books that have characters with wings.

    But there’s this one character in this movie, they call him JEEP. He’s kind of a strange bird, really. Jeep hasn’t lost hope. He sees the good in everything even when no one else can see it.

    I mean, he has a dead end life/job & loves a woman who’s pregnant with another man’s child. But still, he continues on, thinking of her first in everything without ever expecting anything in return.

    In the movie, the Archangel, Michael, defied an order from God to exterminate the human race. He did so because he had hope and faith in man when God had lost it. He went down to fight with them despite knowing he would die doing it.

    And at the very end, Michael and JEEP’s hope shines through. I won’t go into details in case you want to watch it and don’t mind wading through the poor acting and poor writing.

    But JEEP & Michael hold on to the very end and are rewarded, greatly.

    So, when you think all is lost. Just hold on. Hold on and you can make it through anything.

  • Be Still. . .

    To my friends, both internet and real-life-right-now friends, I’m known as someone who has a ton of energy.

    If you’ve read my posts here on the Light of Truth blog or Facebook and Twitter, you know. I often talk about mega write-fests and long bike rides 🙂

    It’s true. I do have a lot of energy. Most of it is spent writing or exercising for the most part.

    And on those long, long bike rides I take, I spend the time either thinking about a story I’m writing or praying for my family and friends. Heck, I even have music playing (only in one ear, so I can still hear the traffic, though).

    But when I think about it. . . my brain is always working.

    I rarely sit in silence and just relax.

    Now, I know not everyone who reads (or might read) this blog believes in God.

    I get that.

    But me, yeah, I do. I totally know He’s driving my car.

    Sure, it might be MY fingers curled around steering wheel, but He helps me figure out which direction to go.Which turn to take.Or when to stop.

    Stop? You mean slow down and actually . . . . . . STOP?

    Yeah. . . I’m not so good at that one. Workin’ on it, though.I wouldn’t want to miss out on a turning signal God might be flashing and go the wrong way up a one way street . . .


    How do you guys slow down to re-group?

    Anything special you do?


  • Musical Monday

    “Be my strength, Lord, when my strength fades away. . .”

    Just a few of the powerful words of this song.

    Sufficient, Adie




    “Your grace and your peace are perfect. Completely all that I need.”

    I’ve been a fan of Adie Camp for a long time–even played a few of her songs here on the blog.

    I had to bring this one back on the blog for a couple reasons.

    First—this weekend, I was reminded that I am weak.

    I really am. Sure don’t like admitting it, but I am. I’ve never been one to suffer allergies, or anything like that. . . but this past weekend, allergies had depleted my body to the point where I just sat in a stupor.

    Just reminded how something so little can knock me over.

    But what I do know is . . . “In my weakness, I’m finding Your strength. In my sorrow, A gentle embrace.”

    Those few words are part of the second reason I had to bring the song back. I have friends and acquaintances going through various things such as disappointment, frustration, addiction, fear, anxiety, divorce, financial trouble. . . this is for you. Remember to stop and feel God’s embrace. Let HIM be your strength through it all.

  • Jill Williamson

    I don’t do many interviews here, but I had to have Jill, author of To Darkness Fled, on the Light of Truth blog. I just LOVED her book.


    Tell us about your latest book.
    To Darkness Fled is the second book in the Blood of Kings trilogy. It’s about Achan, a young man who wanted to become a knight, and Vrell, a girl who is dressed as a boy to hide from the man who wants to marry her. Book two picks up where By Darkness Hid left off.

    Here is the back cover copy for To Darkness Fled (Blood of Kings, book 2):

    They have no choice. Chased by an evil prince, Achan, Vrell, and the Kingsguard knights flee into Darkness. They head north, for Tsaftown and Ice Island, where they must free an army that can help them fight for Er’Rets.

    Darkness sickens Vrell. How long can she keep her secret without being caught? Achan already suspects her of lying. If she is not careful, he will suspect her of treason as well. She hopes he will let his suspicions go until they reach her home.

    Achan wanted freedom, but this new journey has bound him more than ever. Sir Gavin’s claims are so far fetched. First, that there might only be one God, and second, that this God chose Achan to push back Darkness, the magnificent curse of Er’Rets. Him. Achan. Barely a man himself.

    Each setback Darkness brings seems minor compared to the one choice only Achan can make. What will he choose?

    What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
    I loved slowly revealing Vrell’s secret here and there. Vrell is a girl, but in the first book, she is in hiding, dressed as a stray boy to avoid having to marry the evil Prince Gidon, who only wants her inheritance. Then she meets up with Achan, who thinks she’s a scrawny boy. It was so much fun to dangle Vrell’s secret out there to be nearly discovered time and again, only to save her at the last minute each time. But the secret does come out in this story, and that was a fun scene to write too.

    Do you have a favorite scene?
    My favorite scene is when Achan finds out that Vrell is a girl. ☺

    What did you dislike most about writing this book?
    It was a challenge to write a book where much of it takes place in pitch black darkness. You can’t describe people or surrounding as easily without light. I had fun at first, but it was hard to keep it up for most the story. I used lanterns and torches and candles sometimes, but often, my characters travel in the pitch black darkness so that no one will be able to track them. That was tough to write.

    Who is your favorite character and why?
    Achan. He tries to be tough. At sixteen, he’s a man by Er’Retian standards, though he feels insecure about stepping into that role and taking charge. He’s stubborn and that trait often causes him a lot of heartache. His sarcasm and heroic nature work well together, I think. Sometimes you want to scowl at him-boys will be boys-but you can’t help but love the guy.

    Which character is most like you?
    Vrell. She is more intense than Achan. She likes to do things properly, if she can. She is kind and loyal and hardworking. She likes learning new things. She likes order and rules and wants everything to be fair and right in the world. She also stresses out too much, too.

    What kind of planning do you do before writing a novel?
    I outline a basic plot. I need to know where the story is headed. I also need to know how each main character’s story will end. I use a spreadsheet, since I am dealing with two point of view characters. I write Achan’s scenes in one column and Vrell’s scenes in the next column, so I can see how their journeys will mesh. Once I feel good about where I’m headed, I start writing.

    Is there any one thing or reference you keep handy when writing? Anything you kept around for this particular book?
    I keep my Er’Rets binder close at hand. This is a three-ring binder filled with all my storyworld notes including my character charts, maps, sketches of castles, sketches of characters, crests for each town, pretend languages, lists of knights that serve which lord, a timeline of Er’Rets, lists of herbs and their medicinal uses, and things like that. I am lost without that binder because it keeps me organized.

    I also use two online sources all the time. is an online dictionary and thesaurus.

    And is an online etymology dictionary that allows you to type in a word and find its origins. This is really helpful for historical writers. This way you can use words that people would use during a certain time period. I use this to help me find out whether a word goes back far enough to be medieval.

    What are you currently writing?
    I am working on From Darkness Won (Blood of Kings, book 3).

    What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
    My husband is a youth pastor and he and I do a lot with teenagers in our free time. We have teen events, teens over to hang out, Young Life. I enjoy playing the guitar, playing games with my family, and helping my son learn the piano.

    How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
    I’m everywhere! My website is I’m also on Facebook, MySpace, Shoutlife, Shelfari, GoodReads, Twitter, Amazon

    On top of that, I run two blogs. The first is Novel Teen Book Reviews at It’s a website that reviews clean teen fiction. This is a great resource to see what books are available in the Christian market for teens. The other blog is for teen authors, though adult authors may find some useful tips too.

    And if you are looking to buy one of my books, online go to,, or You can also buy an autographed copy from me through my website. Many libraries have the first book and if they don’t they would likely order it if you ask. And you can request your local bookstore order my books too.

    THANKS, JILL. It was awesome to have you on the Light of Truth blog again. You’re book was fantastic. I wish you the BEST on this second book! Anxious to read book 3!!