• Musical Monday–Week of Love

    Happy Monday!

    This week on Catch the Rush, it’s all about the LOVE!

    Yep, tomorrow, August 10th, marks my fourteenth year with my soul mate, Charlie! So, I’ve dedicated this week to the idea of LOVE and MARRIAGE . . . .

    So….today I just have to share our song with you.

    Yep, this is the song we first danced to as a married couple.


    Until the End of Time, by Foreigner



    I know I’ve played this song on here before because last year on our anniversary week I shared it. But, I just had to do it again. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of that song.


  • Happy Weekend


    Yeah, it’s the weekend!! My sweet hubby has whisked me away to celebrate our fourteenth wedding anniversary!

    The official day is AUGUST 10th, but still, this’ll work since the tenth is in the middle of the week.

    So, be sure to come back next week as I celebrate with a Week of Love on the blog next week.

    My characters might even make a surprise visit to share their love stories with us. . .

  • Lost Pictures

    You might have heard, if you’ve been following my Facebook or blog for any time at all, I went on a trip to England and France early in the month.

    We had a great time, all except for two things.

    1. I got a cold (grrr!)

    2. My camera broke midway through the trip. (grrr, yet again!)

    I dropped my camera right outside this store...broken!

    Luckily, my sister had a camera that was compatible with my stuff, so I got to use hers the rest of the trip.

    Funny thing is, when I got back to America and checked into getting my camera fixed…it was cheaper to buy a new one.

    So, this past weekend I went out and got a new camera.

    You know what was fun about that? Well–besides getting a new camera?

    It was the “lost pictures” of the trip I found.

    I inserted the memory card of my broken camera into the new one and viola, pictures I’d taken before it broke!

    They brought a smile to my face. Especially this one:

    Paris Rose.

    Me and my sweet hubby were at the Eiffel Tower and a guy handing out roses approached.My sweet hubby bought me a rose! I’m not much of a flower person, you can even ask him, but I tell ya, this one meant a ton to me.

    We’re in Paris. We’re eating ice cream, looking up at the Eiffel Tower, and he gets me a rose. Probably the most expensive single rose we’ve ever bought, but the memory will be forever engrained in my mind.

    So romantic.

    I had to take a picture, which now that I see it, looks horribly un-romantic with the phone and paper and pen around it.

    Not to mention the Coca-Light bottle it’s in.

    But still.


    These next pictures were fun too:

    Had to take a picture of GUCCI....
    We spent a day strolling the Champs Elysees, people watching and sitting on sidewalk cafes.

    Beautiful picture of the Arc de Triumph


    Sure was fun to see these pictures after the fact like this.

    But, Oh, I did have to take a picture on the new camera.

    Check it out:

    My dog, Maddux, was the first picture on my new camera. He makes a great model, huh?


    So now I’m ready to go on another adventure with my new camera. I never know when a chance to make a memory might creep up on me, and I always like to have my camera handy so I can document it.


    Death would have been easier to accept had I known I would be going to heaven, but I didn’t.

    That’s the first sentence of the novel I just finished writing.

    Not sure it’ll stay exactly the same through all the edits to come, but for now, on this rough, first draft, I’ve typed THE END on Morgan and Tanner’s story.

    83,000 words. That’s the most I’ve ever had on a first draft. Usually I get about 75,000 or so, then when I flesh it out I end up around 82,000 or 83,000 words. So, we’ll see what happens on this one

    The story ignited the day after I returned from my trip to England and France. I blame the jet lag that had me up at two in the morning.


    Morgan is the heroine and it’s in her POV (Point of View). Like the last story I wrote (finished in May) this one is pretty dark.

    I think the darkness of my last two stories spawns from the death of one of my high school classmates (he took his own life back in May). Life events usually impact me when it comes to my writing.

    And his death sure did.

    My character, Morgan, is lost to drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. But when she’s about to die a violent death, she screams out, demanding God give her a second chance.

    She gets just that, but with conditions. . . .

    Morgan was a fun, but challenging, character to write. She’s so close to the darkness of despair that she can’t see how precious she is. That her life is worth so much more than she could ever imagine.

    My friend Brian never saw past the darkness of despair to see his worth, but at least I can write characters who do.


    What inspires your writing?

    If you’re not a writer, what’s one thing that has inspired you lately? Someone reading this blog might want to hear a word of encouragement.


  • Yum

    HI. Rachel here again.

    So, remember yesterday when I asked the question, “What song gets your blood pumpin’?”

    Yeah, the song, You’ve got the Power, by Snap does it for me when it comes to biking and exercising, but I’ll tell ya, my guy, Brandon helps with that, too.

    The first time I saw him, I was screaming up Headland Hill on my seventy-five-mile bike ride.

    So, I was tired, having ridden sixty-some miles already, then with this hill, a killer hill, my legs were pooped out.

    But then this guy zooms by me like we’re just on flatland or something.

    First, I was pretty ticked off that he passed me so easily, but then when I got a good look at him . . .


    Tight, black biker shorts. Equally as snug racing jersey hugging the curves of his lean muscles. Oh, and not to mention his chocolate brown eyes.

    I mean, who doesn’t LOVE chocolate, right?

    A close second to eyes, is humor. I love to laugh and have fun, that’s a must! If those two are in sync, I’m toast. And I sure found those two things with Brandon. I’m so lucky.


    So, what things sealed the deal with your significant other?

    If you’re still single, what are the two main things that would seal the deal when it comes to dating?

  • Musical Monday

    I LOVE waiting for . . . .

    Okay, I couldn’t even finish that. I just had to try and type it to see if I could MAKE it be true. . . .

    Truth is, I don’t LOVE waiting for anything. Especially if it’s something that could change my life (i.e. publishing contracts, contest results, whatever. . . )

    I’m getting better at it, especially when I stay focused on writing new stories and lean on my friends. But it’s still hard.

    So, when my writing buddy, Christian Miles, shared this Fireflight song with me, I had to put it up here on Musical Monday. It’s a great video and the lyrics really touch home.

    My faves are: When you’re fighting to believe in a love you can’t see just know there is a purpose for those who wait.

    The video gives me chills every time I watch it. AND, the song has been stuck on repeat on my iPod. . . The song is titled, For Those Who Wait.Hope you enjoy



    So, is there anything you’re waiting for?