
Book Deal Alert-In The Penalty Box

SOOO excited to share some great news with you all.

If you’re part of Lynn’s Legion, you already know this bit of good news, because the Legionnaires get the news first. I’m so excited to announce a book deal for a book I wrote with the amazing KELLY ANNE BLOUNT!

Our working title was Penalty Box, but I love that the publisher changed it up a little. In The Penalty Box…Yep, totally love it.

Stay tuned for more details to come as we can share them. And if you want first access to ARCs and all around insider information on my book releases coming up this year and next, join the Legion by clicking HERE.

Have a super day, my friends, and thanks for celebrating with me!


NYT & USA Today Bestseller & ultra-runner known as #TheRunningWriter. Agents: Joyce Sweeney & Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.