
  • Friday Funnies–Frostbite Style

    HI. Mandy here again. So, you might not know this about me-well I’m sure you don’t since my story isn’t published yet-but I’m a little prankster.

    What else would a seventeen-year-old girl who has the power to freeze things do with her newfound power?


    I mean, you gotta have a little fun otherwise the days blend together in a dull, boring blob.

    So, there’s this girl, Samantha, right? She’s totally after my guy, Zach. She totally and completely hates me because Zach’s into me all of a sudden.

    Yeah, well, she’s constantly flaunting herself in front of him. Touching him. Smiling with her perfectly straight, blindingly white teeth. . .


    Sure, Zach doesn’t give her a second glance, but still….

    So, one day, after she tattled on me and Zach for doing something (I’m not sayin’ what . . .), she came up to my locker, gloating.She flipped her long, bottle-blond hair over her shoulder and sashayed away from me.

    I so could not resist . . .

    I leaned down, touched the slick floor and let a stream of ice flow from my finger.

    She turned the corner, and her feet slipped out from beneath her. She crashed, taking two of her little Barbie-doll minions down with her.

    Oh yeah!

    The students packing the hallway roared with laughter.

    I know I should totally not do crap like that. I mean, she could get hurt, right?Oh, let’s face it. That’s a sweet prank.


    What pranks have you played on people before?


    **Oh, and be sure to come back tomorrow for the contest announcement. It’s gonna be sweet!**

  • Meet-Cute

    HI. Mandy here.

    Boy, Rachel’s post from yesterday got me thinking, you know? The whole dating thing. What attracts people to each other.

    In my case, I usually repel guys. That tends to happen when you can potentially freeze their lips off if you kiss them.

    Yep. I’m lucky to have a wicked-crazy power. Freezing things I touch. Oh, and not to mention, I can lift a car over my head.

    You’d think that would leave me pretty muscular, right?

    So NOT the case. I’m impressively wimpy looking, actually. So that doesn’t help with the trying to find a boyfriend thing.

    Needless to say, I usually keep to myself. It doesn’t help much that I have these freaks from The Center trying to find me so they can dissect me to figure out why I can do what I can do.

    Enough about that.

    I thought it’d be fun to talk MOVIES today.

    It’s called the “meet-cute” when the situation/circumstances that the couple is thrown together that will span the movie.

    Like, in Twilight. The first time Bella sees Edward. It’s in the lunch room. But their meeting was at the class, right? He totally freaks on her, doesn’t say a word, but still, they meet.

    I like when they finally talk much better. His eyes are shimmering, and he’s asking her about the weather.

    Oh, and not to mention when he stops the car from slamming into her.

    But enough from me.

    What’s YOUR favorite meet-cute between some movie characters??

    OH, and I have to ask, did you go see ECLIPSE? Did it rock? Haven’t seen it yet. I know, I’m lame.

  • Musical Monday




    This video just makes me smile. Taylor Swift is a pretty good singer, huh?

    I had this song playing a BUNCH while writing Charged and Absolute Zero (sequel to Frostbite).

    Do you have any favorite songs that inspire you while you write? Which ones? Do you get more inspired by the words? Or the music?

    I love the words, actually. Sure, the music has to be a little catchy as well, but if the words inspire me, that really gets me in the writing mood.

  • Contest Fun:


    Hello, everyone. I’m Caleb Aspros. Lynn writes about me in her novel Guardian.

    I saw that when Frostbite recently finaled in a contest, Amanda Smith popped back onto the blog to share the news. So, I thought it would be fun to do the same.

    Now, I hosted the Light of Truth blog WAY back in May of 2009, so you probably don’t remember. Besides, it was kind of boring. You would think my being 300-years-old would mean I have some interesting things to share.

    It doesn’t.

    Just means I’m horribly computer illiterate. I had to have my fellow Guardian, Madison, help me with most of my posts. She’s our computer wizard.

    Lynn entered Guardian in the Launching a Star contest way back in August of this year. So, on Sunday, when she got the call, she was excited needless to say. I exist only in the computer and even I heard her squealing.

    But that’s okay. To celebrate even the smallest success is fun to do. We should all do the same with anything we can. So, thanks for celebrating this little milestone with us!


  • Friday Funnies: Frostbite Week

    Mandy here. I’ve had so much fun getting’ to know y’all this week, so I figure you can call me Mandy. You’ve earned it.

    Well, it’s my last day here and how appropriate it’s called Friday Funnies.

    I LOVE funny pictures, so I found a few I thought would make you laugh. Lynn already took the best one (Hell frozen over sign) so I didn’t put that one up today. But, it’s kind of ironic don’t you think? Ice. Cold. Frozen. ME BEING ABLE TO DO ALL THAT . . .

    Anyway, I hope you’ve had a fun time this week hangin’ with little ol’ me. If I didn’t scare everyone away, maybe Lynn will let me come back again soon.

    Friday Funnies 1

    Funny Friday 2

    Friday funny 4
    Friday funn 5

    Have a great Friday, everyone. It’s been fun hangin’ with you all this week!


  • Throwback Thursdays: Frostbite Week

    Hi. Amanda here again.

    Okay, so I asked Lynn what “Throwback Thursdays” was. She told me she got the idea for the name from her good friend KM Wilsher so I checked out her blog, and it was wicked cool.

    Lynn said Throwback Thursdays is for talking about something from when I was younger.

    Yeah, well, sorry guys, I’m only seventeen as it is. I’ve pretty much been running from The Coats for the last five years, after they killed my mom and dad. So, I’m not one who would be good to talk about the past, I might freeze a body part by mistake or something.

    Controlling my powers when I’m upset, excited, happy or any combination of emotions, gets a little difficult. Ask Zach, he knows. **wink**

    So, I’ve decided to have another music day. It’s a passion of mine so since I’m runnin’ the show this week, that’s what I’m doin’.

    Now, I like all kinds of different music, so don’t hold it against Lynn if you’re not liking the artist I picked. She’s a little edgy, but man, she can sing.

    Funhouse, by Pink.

    She’s got a killer voice and even more lethal are her lyrics. Yeah, some I cringe a little, like in Stupid Girls (Okay, I like the lyrics, but the video is a little edgy), but she’s really challenging us to be our own person in that song.

    Funhouse? Yeah, not so sure about the “meaning” of that one, other than it’s got a wicked-cool hook. The music is fun and it gets me pumped.


